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您想成为“大富翁”吗?Do you want to be a moneybags ?

阔佬,你有女友了吗?You have a girlfriend, moneybags?

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大家都知道他父亲是个大款。Everyone knows that his father is a moneybags.

一个富翁很钦佩,便设宴招待他。A moneybags is admired very much, fete entertains him.

尽管两个大款很高傲,他们都害怕来见我。Proud as these two moneybags are, they are afraid to see me.

两兄弟坐在那儿,目光越过钱袋顶看着对方。The brothers sat eyeing each other over the tops of the moneybags.

因特网是全球最大的富翁制造厂。Internet is the moneybags manufactory with the greatest whole world.

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谁能想象,卡耐基的钱袋,抓在摩西、耶稣、或甘地手中?Can anyone imagine Moses, Jesus or Gandhi with the moneybags of Carnegie?

但是,竟然有120名富翁联名上书,反对政府取消遗产税。However, there are 120 moneybags written to oppose the abolition of estate duty.

即使绯闻对象也都是富翁或是一线男星。Although red hears an object, also be moneybags or it is male star of a gleam of.

当然不可能每个人都是富翁,这就需要每个人平衡理想和现实的差距。Impossible of course everybody is moneybags , this needs everybody to balance ideal and real difference.

财大气粗的切尔西被认为将在今年夏天引进这位巴西国家队成员。Moneybags Chelsea are thought to have made Brazilian international Kaka their top transfer target for next summer.

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数量众多的财富阶层和旅居广州的50万外籍人士形成了庞大的具有国际视野的艺术收藏家群落。The local moneybags and 500 thousand foreign residents in Guangzhou become a huge group of art collectors with international vision.

国米否认会将王牌射手维耶里出售给英超豪门切尔西。Internazionale have ruled out any suggestions that they were prepared to sell star striker Christian Vieri to Premiership moneybags Chelsea.

海外投资商需要和平的环境,因为他们一般不会把资金投在人们的生命安全都得不到保障的不安定的地方。Peaceful atmosphere is mandatory for foreign investment because uncertain security situation discourages investors to invest their moneybags where lives of the people are not safe.

在最近几个月中,有关维耶里在国米未来的各种猜测铺天盖地,曾一度传闻英超巨头切尔西有意将他带到英超。Vieri's future at Inter has been the subject of intense speculation for a number of months now, with Premiership moneybags Chelsea believed to be keen on bringing the striker to England.

你们要变卖所有的济人,为自己预备永不坏的钱囊,用不尽的财宝在天上,就是贼不能近、虫不能蛀的地方。Sell your possessions, and give to the needy. Provide yourselves with moneybags that do not grow old, with a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches and no moth destroys.