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看见那个家伙吗?See that bloke there?

看那个坐车的家伙。Look at the bloke ridin'.

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你是电视上的那个傻小子!You're that bloke off the telly!

你是电视上的那个傻小子!Youwoulre that bloke off the telly!

她老是精神恍惚地想念那小子。She was always mooning over that bloke.

这家伙真是个肥胖的大傻瓜。What a great fat pillock that bloke is.

这个大家伙把血流在了这只蓝熊的身上。The big bloke blet in the big blue bear.

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我喜欢这家伙,也愿意向下注者赔付。I love the bloke. I want to pay out on him.

这个家伙打破了男人们应该遵守的不成文规则。This bloke was breaking the unwritten rules for men.

“哦,对了,就是魔法维修保养处的那小子。”罗恩说。"Oh yeah, the bloke from Magical Maintenance, " said Ron.

他打破了他所在的学校100米跑的历史最高记录。He bloke the all-time record in the100-meter run at his school.

票面上印着一个留着胡子的家伙Okay, so this is a--there's some bloke with a beard on this one.

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这小子带着几百万英镑走进了监狱。‘He’s a bloke who goes to jail with millions and millions of pounds.

他打破了他所在的学府100米跑的古代事件很高记录。He bloke the whichle-time record in the 100-meter run at his educate.

这家伙的头都没有了,但是,交配仍然在进行。Fertilisation can still take place without the bloke mantis's head, though.

如果她不爱我了,她至少要到墓地才能看见她的新欢。Least if she didn't want me, she would see her new bloke in graveyard first.

可我一进电影院就有一个人收了我的票,然后把它撕成两半。But every time I get to the cinema some bloke takes it from me and tears it in half.

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“的确存在身体接触,但并不足以使那个13号家伙倒在地上”,他说。"There was contact, but not enough to make a 13st bloke fall on the floor," he said.

此刻我只想说在我眼中他是一个很棒的男人,和他在一起共事非常愉快。This is the time to say I found him to be a top bloke and really enjoyed his company.

居住在纽约布伦特伍德别墅的富翁其实赚取的是西弗吉尼亚贫穷纳税人的钱。In essence, a rich bloke in a Brentwood villa gets money from a poor taxpayer in West Virginia.