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请把你的灵魂交给撒旦大人。Please give your anima to Satany.

软件质量是软件的生命。The anima of software is quality.

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该动物靖国神社,但传说中指出,这是建立在以。The Anima Shrine, but legends say that it was built in order to.

秋日的阳光温暖了蝉的薄翼,却温暖不了它的心。The sun of autumn warms the alae of the cicada, but not its anima.

的灵魂是一个最重要的自主性复合物的所有。The anima is one of the most significant autonomous complexes of all.

为证明此观点,艾儒略回应了“魂属气”与“性即理”两个命题。To prove that, he responded to the views of"anima is Qi"and"nature is Li".

艾儒略肯定灵魂有为善作恶两种倾向。Giulio Aleni affirmed that anima had two tendencies, that is the good and the evil.

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妖妇是一个阿尼玛形象——她象征着男人的梦中情人,蝴蝶、猫、狐狸是妖女形象常见的几种喻体。Anima is the embodiment of lamia —the symbol of men's dream lovers—and is often metaphor as butterfly, cat and fox.

宋代的几位具有典型性的男性词人身上存在的“男子而作闺音”现象实际上是阿尼玛原型在起作用。In Song Dynasty, some male writers with female voice in their works, which, in fact, proved that prototypes of Anima play a part.

他的诗歌显示了一个中国知识分子苦难中搏动的灵魂,同时也展现了他诗歌艺术的生命性特征。His poetry reflects a Chinese intellectual's miserably throbbing soul and also exhibits the anima characteristics of his poetic art.

以电镀黑枪色深沉质朴体现男性阳刚,以电镀白金色光鲜靓丽表现女性灵动。Gun black plated color reveals a low-profile and modest masculinity while the platinum plated color reveals a beautiful and vivid female anima.

卡洛斯是艾尼玛穆迪国际动画节的一位老朋友,不管作为一名观众、动画制作人,还是特邀嘉宾,都已经参加过好几次了。Carlos is an old friend of the Anima Mundi festival. He has participated in the festival several times, as a spectator, an animator and a guest.

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结论从社会学角度,提出采用卫生扶贫项目,使患病儿童得到公平可及的医疗保健服务。ConclusionsAttempting to adopt the project make anima gination to have the ill children gain the just health care service from the sociological direction.

按照荣格的原型理论,神女与狐妖都是阿尼玛原型的代表,带有善恶两重性,是古人对于女性人物“外端内媚”的双重要求。According to Carl G Jung, both are the incarnations of Anima with kindness and evil, representing the whirligig of male aesthetic ideas over female images.

作品中的众多女性是大地母亲的种种变体,而“南方淑女”情结则融合了母亲原型和荣格的灵魂伴侣原型说。Yet for mankind in general, the Southern Belle complex is rooted in archetype of the Earth Mother combined with Jungian anima of human collective unconscious desires.