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配偶的延续执政也在尼加拉瓜形成威胁。Conjugal succession is also a threat in Nicaragua.

他一直在尼加拉瓜寻求并已得到庇护。He has sought and been granted asylum in Nicaragua.

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在尼加拉瓜,您和您的家人将永远拥有土地权!直到永远!In Nicaragua you and your family can own the land forever!

尼加拉瓜可能只算个小国,但却是具有代表性的一个国家。NICARAGUA may be a small country but it is an emblematic one.

去年尼加拉瓜在谷歌地图上将小岛占为己有。Nicaragua occupied it last year on the basis of a Google map.

美国军队留在尼加拉瓜,直到一九三三年。American troops stayed in Nicaragua until nineteen thirty-three.

尼加拉是美国与加拿大接壤处的观光胜地。Nicaragua to the United States and Canada border of the tourist attraction.

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拉雷,自由宪政党宣传部主任,尼加拉瓜。Danilo Antonio LARA, Secretary of Communication, Liberal Constitutional Party, Republic of Nicaragua.

旅游汽车可以到达高度公500米的尼加拉瓜玛莎雅活火山的边缘。A bus travels to the edge of the Masaya craters in Nicaragua , an active volcano just 500 meters high.

衔接五大湖中的伊利湖与安大略湖,是美加边境奔流的尼加拉河源头的瀑布。The convergence lakes Erie and Lake Ontario, is Canada border Nicaragua River Runs the first waterfall.

阿根廷和尼加拉瓜支持加拿大的主张,并考虑以后作为第三方加入。Argentina and Nicaragua supported Canada's claim and were considering to be third parties in the future.

2月份时我刚刚搭游轮经过巴拿马运河,我计划2020年走一趟尼加拉瓜运河。Just took a cruise through the Panama canal this past Feb, now I will plan for one in 2020 to Nicaragua.

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而委内瑞拉和尼加拉瓜则呼吁美国应对洪都拉斯强制实施严厉的经济制裁。And there were calls by Venezuela and Nicaragua for the United States to impose tough economic sanctions.

诺斯中校,你常在这儿振振有辞地谈论在尼加拉瓜实现民主的必要性。Colonel North, you talked here often and eloquently about the need for a democratic outcome in Nicaragua.

古巴的盟国委内瑞拉,尼加拉瓜和玻利维亚都通过投票选举选出领导人。Cuba's allies in government in Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia all came to power through the ballot box.

对更远的地区,沙特一直资助美国在安哥拉和尼加拉瓜的反共措施。Farther afield, Saudi financial support bolstered American anti-communist initiatives in Angola and Nicaragua.

例如,和平医师已成立了一个项目,治疗1992年在尼加拉瓜州烧伤的受害者。For example, Physicians for Peace has had a program to treat burn victims in Nicaragua since nineteen ninety-two.

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尼加拉瓜的米斯奇多,印度尼西亚,还有前南斯拉夫的往事涌上心田。The examples of the Miskito in Nicaragua and of the recent history of Indonesia or the former Yugoslavia come to mind.

再往南,有较宽的楔形尼加拉瓜海隆,把海沟与哥伦比亚海盆分开,牙买加岛就在此海隆之上。Further south, there are a wide wedge of Nicaragua seamounts , the trench and Columbia basin to separate on this above.

他们把这些T恤捐给了世界宣明会,结果,后者只能把T恤运去亚美尼亚、尼加拉瓜、罗马尼亚和赞比亚等国家。The league donated the merchandise to World Vision which in turn plans to ship it to Armenia Nicaragua Romania and Zambia.