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我必须努力完成这件工作。I must bestir myself to finish the job.

你必须努力,否则就要失败。You will fail unless you bestir yourself.

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我们得尽量按时到达那里。We must bestir ourselves to get there on time.

你可以得到锐角精确的三等分。We must bestir ourselves to get there on time.

全国青年们,努力啊!Young people of the whole country, bestir yourselves!

你必须自我振作去采取必要的行动。You must bestir yourself to take the necessary action.

但他太胖懒来振作自己,拉拢她。But he was too fat and lazy To bestir himself and woo her.

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亲爱的朋友们,咱们要振着起来,永不放弃。My dear friends, let us bestir ourselves and never give up.

其实,爱,更多的是让人振作。Actually, love, a more one are to let people bestir oneself.

为了激励彼此,我们决定通过写中英文博客的形式,提高英语水平。Bestir each other, we decided to writ Englis blog for improve our Englis.

就连那位懒懒散散的母亲在这样一个时刻也振作起来了。Even the lethargic mother would so far bestir herself on such an occasion.

要在人世间成功进取,须日日夜夜发奋磨练。In the world, a man who would make his way, must plague and bestir himself night and day.

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因为有一天,我们发现对于面前的这个世界我们根本无法确证,于是想方设法让世界自身展示出它自己来。As one day we find that the world before us is beyond cognition, so we bestir the world tell itself by itself.

振作你们自己以期盼神圣正义的日子!因为那应允的时刻已来临。Bestir yourselves, O people, in anticipation of the days of Divine Justice, for the promised hour is now come.

品牌形象是以先进的技术,时尚的造型,对数字视听完美的诠释。BESTIR brand image is based on advanced technology, fashionable style, perfect for digital audio-visual interpretation.

使您感受到必思特公司“BESTIR”系列数码产品无法拒绝的时尚科技魅力。Stewart will make your company feel "BESTIR" series of digital products can not be refused to the charm of fashion technology.

在文章的最后部分是关于如何激励代理人提高其业务质量的几点建议。In the end of the article, the author makes several suggestions on how to bestir the insurance agent to improve their service quality.

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在30年代以后,日本的入侵强化了民族生存的危机感,这一文化历史情境所凸现的是振作民族精神、增强民族自信力的问题。After 1930s, invasion of Japan strengthened the live crisis of nation, and also present a problem which is how to bestir nation spirit and self-confidence.

设计一个以基本薪为中心的、具有激励性和可操作性的薪酬体系对企业吸引保留核心员工以及激励广大员工极为重要。Designing an incentive and operative salary system which basic salary as it' s center is most important to attract core stuffs and bestir a great of employees.

呵,也许这可以解释,为何昨天我还郁闷着呢,今天我就振奋了,而明天又接着郁闷了。Maybe this can explain the reason that while I was depressed yesterday, I turn out to bestir myself today, and then it goes back to the previous circumstance tomorrow.