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巴沙尔之后,洪水滔天。After Bashar al-Assad, the deluge.

他说了一大堆客气话使我不知所措。He confused me with a deluge of polite words.

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1957年一陈暴雨又把什么都冲走了。A heavy deluge in1957again washed everything away.

陈暴雨又把什么都冲走了。A heavy deluge in 1957 again washed everything away.

飓风一过,这条小溪流变成了滚滚洪水。The little stream became a deluge after the hurricane.

春天冰雪融化,使河水泛滥淹没了那地区。The spring thaw caused the river to deluge the region.

雪融化时,山间溪流变成山洪暴发。When the snow melts, the mountain stream becomes a deluge.

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皇后峡谷中,一名探险者顶着瀑布慢慢下降。A canyoneer endures the deluge of a waterfall in Empress Canyon.

在有些洪水成灾的古代油画中,一个母亲就是这样举着她的孩子的。In the old paintings of the deluge there is a mother holding her child thus.

被人类的声音所扰乱,众神,在恩利尔的带领下,发起了一场大洪水。Disturbed by the sounds of mankind, the gods, led by Enlil, set forth a deluge.

朱庇特唯恐用火烧会危及天宫本身,就决定用洪水淹没地球,转瞬间洪水就把地球上的人和他们的财物席卷而去。Speedily the race of mean and their possessions, were swept away by the deluge.

消防处出动多部橡皮艇和一部直升机救出被洪水围困市民。Ru er boats and a helicopter were used to evacuate people stranded by the deluge.

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全世界的政府将海量的数字释放给自己的公民。Governments around the world are unleashing a deluge of numbers on their citizens.

洪水滔天苗不秀,中原曾见梦全飞。Deluge seedlings did not show, the Central Plains have seen the whole dream of flying.

暴雨大到雨胎都不足以保证赛车有足够的抓地力。The deluge was so torrential that even the wet tyres could not provide sufficient grip.

任何粗鲁之徒,只要有一台传真机和你的电话号码,就可以连续不断地向你输送你根本不需要的材料。Any boor with a fax machine and your phone number can deluge you with unwanted documents.

面对铺天盖地的广告攻势,对于许多公司而言,最有效的策略或许是退出竞争,另辟蹊径。The result of the ad deluge is that, for some companies, the best strategy is to opt out.

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与此同时,当地救火队员因组织混乱和行动迟缓而受到了铺天盖地的指责。Meanwhile local firefighters are facing a deluge criticism for being disorganized and late.

要知道想要避开这场拥有20000个应用插件的洪水几乎是不可能的。With more than 20,000 add-on apps for the site, it's nearly impossible to avoid the deluge.

信息定义的标准化可以有效抑止不规范定义的泛滥。Standardization of information definition can check availably non-criterion definition to deluge.