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收拾餐桌这份工作十分累人。Busing tables was grueling work.

这是个疲劳轰炸的筛选过程。You went through a grueling screening process.

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学校们并不需要削尖脑袋成为最好的。School does not have to be grueling to be good.

我不可能带着多余的负重攀岩。I can't make it up the grueling climbs with a lot of extra weight.

他参加过竞争激烈的伐木工大赛,也经常获得名次。He had entered grueling lumberjack competitions, and had placed often.

奥巴马也许打从开始就觉察出这次访谈不至于太难堪。Obama might have sensed from the outset it would not be a grueling exercise.

在佛罗里达的阳光下5小时44英里的痛苦煎熬后,我终于成功了。After 5 grueling hours and 44 miles in the scorching Florida sun, we made it.

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对象辛普森这样的人来说,其累人程度一点都不比体能训练轻松。And for people like Simpson, they can be as grueling as any physical workout.

陈是中国大陆第一个挑战这项沙漠极限运动赛的人。Chen is the first Chinese mainlander to ever attempt the grueling desert race.

两年前,美国刚从2007-2009年的严重衰退中走出来。The U.S. emerged from the grueling 2007-2009 recession just over two years ago.

另外,要继续欺骗对他们是一件残酷的事情。What's more, it can become grueling for them to keep track of those deceptions.

韧性能预测出西点军校的学生在第一年的超强度军训中,谁会坚持下来。Grit predicts which cadets will stick out their first grueling year at West Point.

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当企业使用多个完全异构系统时,问题会更加严重。It can be even more grueling when the enterprise uses multiple, disparate systems.

现在,他们已经比过212次的三项运动,包含累翻人15小时的夏威夷铁人三项竞赛。Now they've done 212 triathlons, including four grueling 15-hour Ironmans in Hawaii.

然而,在得到乌龟大师的点化后,波一直忍受着残酷的训练。After receiving helpful advice from Oogway, however, Po endures his grueling training.

现在,是高二学生开始这场激烈的,大学申请竞赛的时候了。Now, it's time for high school juniors to begin the grueling race to get into college.

他总是排得满满的日程,就不太隐晦地暗示出他对手下员工的期望。His grueling schedule is just one not-so-subtle hint of what he expects from employees.

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十多年的寒窗苦读,现在的我已豪情满怀、信心十足。Ten years of often grueling study, now I already swell with pride and hope, confidence.

由于不想跑令人精疲力尽的400米,博尔特过去一直采用100米分段法训练。Bolt was using the 100 for "speed work" and to avoid having to run the more grueling 400.

洛克修改了合同条款以便留在黑豹队,随后开始了令人精疲力尽的恢复训练。Rucker restructured his contract to stay with the Panthers, then started his grueling rehab.