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那把椅子搞到相当脏,还有点霉湿。And the chair is becoming quite mucky and damp.

连云港地区的软土是海相淤泥和淤泥质土。Lianyungang marine soft clay is muck and mucky soil.

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假如粪量不够还请自便!If mucky quantity still asks as one pleases not quite!

别穿着你那脏兮兮的靴子在我干净的地板上踏来蹭去的。Don't walk all over my clean floor in your mucky boots.

本文对砂土和淤泥质粘土做了室内三轴试验。The triaxial tests of sand and mucky soil have been done.

送你一份有屎已来粪量最重的礼物!Send you one has excrement to already came the gift with mucky the heaviest volume!

而且池塘岸湿的时侯,可能会非常脏而且你不小心的时候很可能一下陷进泥里。When the pond shore is wet it can be very mucky and one tends to sink into it if not exercising care.

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在天光完全被吞没之前,我们渡过湿地,来到河的泥岸。Before the daylight completely faded, we tramped through the wet grounds to the mucky bank of the river.

依稀能听得到的只有风铃偶尔清脆的铃声和抛入许愿池泥滩的硬币发出的响声。The only sounds were the occasional clanging of wind chimes and the splash of coins tossed into a mucky pond.

我喜欢雨的真正原因纯粹是出于自我考虑。My real reason for enjoying the rain is steeped in pure selfishness when it's mucky outside, I don't have to do anything.

浓浓的灰雾顺着河水漂移,笼罩着密集又门窗紧闭的建筑和污秽的泥路。The thick pearl-grey mist drifting off the river hung over the shuttered, close-packed buildings and the muddy, mucky lanes.

从而论证了正确认识软粘土的上述固有属性对有效加固淤泥类软土地基的重要性。The importance of recognizing correctly the properties of soft clay to improve the mucky soft soil ground effectively is verified.

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六月的一整个星期,人们可以无忧无虑的享受泥浆体绘、泥浆艺术,还有在泥泞满地的沙滩上踢英式足球。For a full wild week in July, the hygienically- carefree can enjoy mud skiing, mud arts &crafts, and mud soccer on the fashionably mucky Dacheon beach.

在欧比—万巡视围栏时,他注意到了一条十分活跃的龙蜥,它的甩动把旁边一个矮小的照料者抛入了一滩脏水中。As Obi-Wan Kenobi browses the dragon corral, he sees a particularly energetic dragon toss aside a diminutive wrangler, dropping him into a pool of mucky water.

青霉素与磺胺化合物联合使用,对粪肠球菌和厌氧链球菌感染可增强疗效。Penicillin and sulphanilamide compound are used jointly, streptococcic to mucky bowel coccus and oxygen of be disgusted with infection can enhance curative effect.

淤泥质软土由于其天然含水率高、压缩性大、强度低及其地域性差异,基坑开挖风险较大。Due to the mucky soil's high natural moisture content, large compressibility , low strength and other areal discrepancies, the risk of foundation excavation is high.

通过界限含水量试验研究了不同掺量水泥对水泥土液、塑限的影响,利用无侧限抗压强度实验研究了水泥土在饱水养生条件下的强度特性,并得出了一些对工程有益的结论。In this paper, atterberg limits tests are used to study the influence of added cement dosage on the liquid limit and plastic limit of mucky soil treated with cement.

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通过视频摄像头向一个陌生人晃动你的波波,通常被认为是向躲在网络一隅的,色咪咪的男人招嫖的举动。Flashing your boobs at a stranger over a webcam has generally been regarded as something that prostitutes do to mucky men in some of the dodgier corners of the internet.

不过,像这类有希望的研究将有助于家长认识到,在户外玩、弄脏自己,对孩子来说是自然而健康的,对他们的健康没有害处。However, hopefully research like this will help parents realise that it’s natural and healthy for children to get outdoors and get mucky and that it doesn’t do their health any harm.

在洞庭湖漫滩阶地的冲湖积淤泥质软土上,分布着一些次级牛轭湖和季节性洪道成因的极软淤积物。There are some softer accumulation horizon in the ox-bow lake and season river on the huge mucky soil of alluvial and lacustrine deposits in accumulation terrace around Dongting lake.