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林肯在消除种族歧视上做了很多工作。Lincoln did much work on desegregation in USA.

南非政府很努力于废止种族隔离。The Government of South Africa is working hard on desegregation.

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底线是,“美国”不希望整合,种族隔离或任何表示。The bottom line is "America" doesn't want integration, desegregation or any of that.

反对者们发现他曾经在亚利桑那州反对在学校和公众场合废除种族歧视。Opponents discovered that he had opposed desegregation of schools and public housing in Arizona.

不久以后,肯尼迪成立了一个联邦专责小组来解决40号公路上的种族隔离问题。Soon afterward, the president appointed a federal task force to enforce desegregation along Route 40.

最高法院通过一系列解除种族隔离的判决已经开始在向南部各州施压。The Supreme Court had begun the process of applying pressure on southern states in a string of desegregation decisions.

当时在公立学校盛行的是种族隔离政策,阿姆斯特朗公开指责他的祖国的这一做法。In response to increasing turmoil swirling around the desegregation of public schools, Armstrong was outspokenly critical of his country.

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50年前,艾森豪威尔总统命令军队进驻小石头城,来强行执行法院作出的学校种族融合的决定。Fifty years ago, President Dwight D. Eisenhower ordered troops into Little Rock, Ark. , to enforce a federal court order for school desegregation.

它不仅开启了接下来数年的废止种族隔离运动,也为争取黑人权利的美国的民权运动提供助力。It not only led to the desegregation of American schools, but helped fuel the Civil Rights Movement resulting in more rights for blacks in America.

一科学领域,主要研究如何将知识合成到电脑系统中以解决通常需要专门知识才能解决的复杂问题。The scientific learn of desegregation knowledge into computer systems to solve complex problems that would routinely necessitate human skillfulness.

1975年法庭裁定的废除种族歧视决定生效后,他那些在公立学校的朋友五点钟就得起床,才能赶上学校巴士,去市区外的新学校上学。In 1975, when a court-ordered desegregation drive began, his public-school friends started waking up at five o'clock to be bussed to new schools across town.

正当我国处于大规模城镇化建设之际,这些具有珍贵建筑、文化、历史价值的文物类型正面临着解体的险境。Today, during the very act of large-scale townish constructions, these cultural relics full of rare architecture culture history are facing the danger of desegregation.

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报道了用有机成聚合物渗透加固保护砂岩文物的研究,目的是提高文物的机械强度,队止或减缓水的侵蚀。Fluorinated polymers were applied to sand stone heritage in order to increase its compressive strength and consolidation as well as to enhance its resistance to desegregation by water.

在法院废止种族歧视的多年后,学校分配制将于下周一被提上美国最高法院的议程,探讨是否允许其他郡自主使用该制度。After years of court-ordered desegregation , the school district will appear before the U. S. Supreme Court next Monday, arguing that it should be allowed to use the same system voluntarily.