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我欢蹦乱跳地走过去一看。I romp to take a look at the past.

一个轻松让人寻回积极思维的项目——而且还是免费的?A romp into positive thinking—gratis?

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祂要他去摸索和发现。To grope and discover, to romp and run.

很明显,这三个未知因素对性生活的活跃起了一定作用。All three x-factors are manifestly at play during a sexual romp.

然而,道指飙涨250点背后的真正关键因素并没有引起公众的广泛注意。However, the real key to the 250 point romp on the Dow wasn’t widely publicized.

我记得我和我哥哥,还有几个堂兄弟在他家的干草棚里玩得很起劲。I remember an athletic romp in his hayloft with my brother and some of the cousins.

在你方便的时候,尽可能多的带她参与她喜欢的悦宝园早教课程。Take her to as many Romp n' Roll classes that are enjoyable for her and convenient for you.

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准备好迎接狄更生式的,包含积雪、街头顽童和穿着马甲的绅士的轻松情节。Prepare yourself for a Dickensian romp complete with snow, street urchins and gentlemen in waistcoats.

父母们或许可以少给孩子用点抗菌皂了,没准还可以让他们偶尔在泥坑里嬉闹一两次。Parents may ease up on antibacterial soap and perhaps allow their little ones a romp or two in the mud.

这就是为什么美国悦宝园早教机构提倡,在对婴幼宝宝的课程中,父母的参与是非常重要的部分。This is why parent participation is a prominent part of the classes for infants and toddlers at Romp n' Roll.

周一晚苏牙一人摧毁了富勒姆,在利物浦5-2取胜的比赛里拥有超一流的表现,并已一粒入球完美收场。Suarez tormented Fulham on Monday evening and he capped a superb display with a fine finish in Liverpool's 5-2 romp.

贝拉是我们家的狗,也是我的另一个伙伴,她又老又懒,喜欢在壁炉旁睡觉,而不太愿意同我玩耍。Belle, our dog, my other companion, was old and lazy and liked to sleep by the open fire rather than to romp with me.

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在5-1击败基冈的纽卡斯尔的比赛中他替补登场并打进了自己本赛季的第5个进球。He came off the bench against Newcastle to complete a 5-1 romp over Kevin Keegan's men with his fifth goal of the season.

他们本可以像切尔西对阵西布罗姆维奇或维冈一样横扫对手,但却在比赛中屡屡上演惊魂一刻。They could have been a Chelsea steamrollering West Brom or Wigan, but conjured a thriller from a game that should have been a romp.

陈多尔说,让两名高管在他们生命中最紧张的24小时里出去寻欢作乐的想法“荒唐之极”。The idea that two executives would escape for a romp during the most stressful 24 hours of their lives 'was absurd, ' says Mr. Chandor.

为什么在悦宝园的课程里有那么多的重复内容?宝宝们能从一遍又一遍做相同的事情里得到什么好处呢?Why is there a lot of repetition in the Romp n' Roll curriculum? How does it benefit a child to be doing the same thing over and over again?

从5-0狂扫威根的阵容中,曼联更换了四名首发,鲁尼发现在锋线上只有自己一人,而其他人都挤在中场。The United team showed four changes from the 5-0 romp at Wigan, and Rooney found himself on his own up front as the home side packed midfield.

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幻想电影大师斯皮尔伯格总是走在时代的前面,他1982年塑造的外星人ET大获成功,开创了植入式广告的先河。Visionary filmmaker Steven Spielberg has always been a step ahead, and his 1982 alien romp ET blazed the trail for modern day product placement.

但是选择的天平上,除此之外便是不可逾越的城乡差距——像赵艾这样的孩子仍处于困境之中,而他同龄的城里孩子们,已轻松的跑在了前面。But the alternative is an unbridgeable gap between town and country – with children such as Zhao Ai stranded in poverty as his urban peers romp ahead.

他知道他一跟这个姑娘亲吻,并把他那些无法形容的憧憬和她短暂的呼吸永远结合在一起,他的心灵就再也不会像上帝的心灵一样自由驰骋了。He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God.