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猫无法从色氨酸中合成足够的烟酸。The cat cannot synthesise sufficient nicotinic acid from tryptophan.

啤酒也含有乳黄素和烟酸,有助于减少失眠。It also has lactoflavin and nicotinic acid, which can help reduce insomnia.

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目的制备烟酸微丸并考察其溶出度。Objective To prepare nicotinic acid micropellet and to research the release rate.

目的寻找活性更强、副作用更小的烟酸前体药物。Aim To screen out nicotinic acid prodrugs with better activity and less side effects.

烟酸乙酯类化合物在医药合成中得到了广泛的应用。Nicotinic acid ethyl ester are applied widely in synthesis of medicines andinsecticides.

叙述了第三代烟碱类杀虫剂呋虫胺的5种合成方法。Five synthesis methods of the third generation nicotinic insecticide-dinotefuran are discussed.

结论用羟丙甲基纤维素作为骨架材料能达到较好的缓释作用。Conclusion HPMCK 4M could be used as a matrix to prepare sustained-release tablet of nicotinic acid.

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最后,对4-三氟甲基烟酸的应用及进一步研究给予展望。Finally, the prospect of the application and further research of 4-trifluoromethyl nicotinic acid was given.

尼古丁乙酰胆碱受体有许多作用,在大脑中,它是尼古丁的主要目标。Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors have many functions, and in the brain are the primary targets of nicotine.

烟碱乙酰胆碱受体因为它也和吸烟者中能引起上瘾的烟碱的结合而得名。Nicotinic receptors are named for the fact that they also bind nicotine-the addictive chemical in cigarettes.

这种有机体是适度耐盐的,需求盐酸硫胺,并且易受生物素和盐酸刺激。The organism was moderately halotolerant, required thiamin . HCl and was stimulated by biotin and nicotinic acid.

在1939年发现了烟酸在人类饮食中的重要性后,这一科学领域有了巨大发展。The big advance in this science came after the discovery in 1939 of the importance in human-diet of nicotinic acid.

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现有微生物羟基化烟酸采用的是静息细胞转化工艺。The current technology for microbial hydroxylation of nicotinic acid is a procedure of resting cells transformation.

在番茄内烟碱酸可以帮助降低血液中的胆固醇,从而有助于预防心脏病。Nicotinic acids in tomatoes have been known to assist in reducing blood cholesterol and helps prevent heart diseases.

目的制备富马酸依美斯汀缓释片,并建立其释放度测定方法。Objective To establish the method of detecting release of nicotinic acid in lovastatin- nicotinic acid sustained-release tablets.

在经过烟碱酸类药物治疗1年后,通过MRI检查发现,患者的动脉壁的厚度下降。Using MRI scans, we have shown a reduction in the size of artery walls in patients after a year of treatment with nicotinic acid.

GABA和尼古丁受体也被怀疑与尼古丁成瘾相关,然而以上的发现加强了这一怀疑。Both GABA and nicotinic receptors had been suspected of inolement in nicotine addiction, but these findings strengthen those suspicions.

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以烟酸为最初原料合成上述化合物,对反应过程进行了改进,产率均有所提高。These compounds were prepared using nicotinic acid as primal raw material, and improve upon the process of reaction to enhance the yield.

苹果多酚与抗坏血酸或烟酰胺配合使用,抗氧化与护色效果明显增强。The effect of antioxidation and color stabilization was greatly enhanced when apple polyphenol was used with ascorbic acid or nicotinic amide.

大黄酸和大黄素抑菌作用的拮抗物为核黄素、烟酸、黄嘌呤、谷胱甘肽、鸟甙和叶酸。Riboflavin, folic acid, nicotinic acid, glutathione, xanthine, and guanosine exhibited a strong antagonistic action against both rhein and emodin.