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请不要乱丢东西。Please don’t litter.

他们拾起垃圾。They pick up litter.

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不要弄乱你的房间。Don. t litter your room.

这母猪要下崽儿了。The sow's about to litter.

小鹰垃圾是膨润土。Kitty litter is bentonite clay.

把垃圾扔进垃圾桶里。Throw litter into the trashcan.

我把垃圾扔到垃圾箱里。I throw litter into the trashcan.

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现在请把猫砂清扫一下。Please clean the cat's litter now!

猫砂可以食用?Could Cat Litter Mineral Be Edible?

勿随地乱扔纸屑。Don't litter the ground with paper.

铺在马厩里的草已粘结成层。Litter in the barn has bedded down.

用于铺在冰冷的通道上猫砂或者是沙土。cat litter or sand for icy walkways.

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窝藏罪犯是犯法的。It is an offense to litter handbills.

请勿乱丢宣传单张,违者必究。It is an offense to litter handbills.

请把房间里的垃圾捡起来。Pls pick out the litter in the house.

动物会丢弃最弱小的幼仔。Animals reject the runt of the litter.

铺在猪圈里的草已粘结成层了。Litter in the pig sty has bedded down.

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不要乱扔废纸。Don't litter the place with wastepaper.

我讨厌那些在森林里乱扔垃圾的人。I hate people who litter in the forest.

我们那条母狗应能生一窝很好的小狗。Our bitch should produce a fine litter.