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蜜蜂嗡嗡叫,忙着去赶工。Buzz bee, busy work.

我们生活在忙乱中。We live in the buzz.

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我的脑袋嗡嗡响。My brain was in buzz.

巴斯光年“垃圾袋?”Buzz Lightyear Trash bags?

蜜蜂也不在嗡嗡叫。Even the buzz of the bees.

我的磁带盒嗡嗡响。My cassette deck has a buzz.

这是真的巴斯光年!It's the real Buzz Lightyear!

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一阵乱响的嗡嗡声,以扫荡之势冲入街心。A loud buzz swept into street.

忙并快乐着。It's got a good buzz about it.

滚开,你这个讨厌的小鬼!Buzz off, you nasty little child!

现在看起来像剃了平头。It looks like a buzz cut right now.

忙碌的蜜蜂对着大熊嗡嗡嗡。The busy bees buzz at the big bear.

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但我也感觉到肾上腺素迅速分泌的兴奋。But I also felt a buzz of adrenalin.

我只喝一杯就会醉,酒量小。I get a buzz on a mere glass of wine.

我是巴斯光年,和平使者。I am Buzz Lightyear . I come in peace.

蜜蜂的嗡嗡声曾将响遍全世界。It was the buzz heard round the world.

东奔西忙的创业生活让人上瘾The buzz of startup life is addictive.

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在东奔西走的活动中寻觅一份安宁。Favor stillness over a buzz of activity.

而且在广告界大鸣大放是注定的。And in the ad business , buzz is destiny.

球场外的闲言碎语并不特殊。The off-the-court buzz isn't that special.