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她身体不适已有一段时间了。She's been ailing for some time.

这个男孩已经生病好几个月了。The boy has been ailing for several months.

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作为晚辈,你理该去看望生病的叔叔。As a junior, you should go to visit your ailing uncle.

这次比赛的功臣是后卫刘爱玲。The toast of the Chinese team was defender Liu Ailing.

佛罗里达州经济长盛不衰,如今却也难逃厄运。Having boomed for so long, Florida's economy is now ailing.

她说她经常把法国和法国人民视为自己的委托人,从去年开始,她的委托人们受到了欧元颓靡的困扰。For the last year, her client has also been the ailing euro.

真相其实是销售烂透了,而且整个市场出奇的糟!The truth is that sales suck and the market is ailing badly.

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张爱玲与王安忆都有着鲜明的女性意识。Both Zhang Ailing and Wang Anyi have strong female awareness.

绅士彼得,被关在笼子里,忍着不能上厕所。Peter gentleman, being held in a cage, not the toilet ailing.

幸运的是,给这些生病的机器诊断一下下个对还是比较简单的。Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to troubleshoot those ailing machines.

张爱玲的女性意识,就在她的叙事中表现了出来。The female consciousness of Zhang Ailing is showed in her narration.

但是,对于问题成堆的医疗系统,却至今没有一个公认的灵丹妙药。But there is no unity on the best medicine to heal the ailing system.

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张爱玲就是一个生于乱世的奇女子。Zhang Ailing is that one was born in the strange woman in troubled times.

乐观的一面是,很多经济学家看到疲弱的劳动力市场中存在着某些亮点。On the plus side, some economists see glimmers in the ailing labor market.

你可以把济慈的诗送给你生病的朋友而不仅仅是一张贺曼卡。You can do more for an ailing friend with Keats than with a Hallmark card.

德国通过允许强制性的境况不佳的银行的国有化的草案。Germany passes draft bill allowing forced nationalizations of ailing banks.

举例来说这可以使这些航空公司可以在对手经营不善时“趁火打劫”。That in turn allows them, for instance, to buy cheap assets from ailing rivals.

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但到目前为止,尚无法证实他同病禽有过直接接触。Thus far, there is no confirmation that he had direct exposure to ailing birds.

乔治亚在英特网上调查了这个想法的可行性,然后再向她疾病缠身的老父亲提出。She researched the idea on the internet before suggesting it to her ailing father.

奥巴马星期五中断了竞选,去夏威夷探望他生病的祖母。Obama was off the campaign trail Friday, visiting his ailing grandmother in Hawaii.