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不会撑船怪河弯/拙匠总怪工具差。A bad workman always blames his tools.

手艺差的工人总是挟恨工具不好使。A bpost workman quarrels with his tools.

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他握住一位苏联工人的手臂。Wrapping his arms about a Soviet workman.

传说鲁班妻子云氏也是一位巧匠。Legend lu's wife is a cunning workman cloud.

这次爆炸是由煤气管爆裂引起的。The workman plugged the hole in the gas pipe.

那工人仍忙着用混凝土铺路。The workman is still busy concreting the road.

玉匠仍然说它是一块普通的石头。Jade is a workman said it still ordinary stones.

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这个工人的一个手指被机器轧断了。The workman had a finger cut off by the machine.

念你一片孝心,就买就到华府做工。Since you are so kind, buy you to Wal fu as a workman.

詹姆斯·G·沃克曼是记者、作家和咨询师。James G Workman is a journalist, author and consultant.

随着工人将木头打磨光滑,木屑纷飞。Tiny splinters fly as the workman planes the wood smooth.

沃克曼一直觉得信用积分单独地起的作用太大。Workman still thinks credit scores alone play too big a role.

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工人把箱子往堆上重重一扔,又往回走。The workman dumped his box on top of some others and turned back.

工人被他所操作的机器切去一只手指。The workman had a finger cut off by the machine he was operating.

三十岁的工人就已经打光了他手中所有的牌。A thirty-year-old workman has already played all the cards in his hand.

光可以使铸造车间的工人看到厚的铸钢件的内部。The X-way allow a workman in a factory to look into a thick steel casting.

我发现我唤醒了沉睡在每一个英国工人体内的等级观念。I saw that I had awakened the pew-renter who sleeps in every English workman.

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这次争端是由解雇一名不服从命令的工人引起的。The dispute was touched off by the dismissal of a workman for insubordination.

再次感谢并且希望你代我对所有的工作人员说声谢谢。Thanks again and could you please say thank you to all your workman for me too.

你的大腿圆润,好像美玉,是巧匠的手做成的。the joints of thy thighs are like jewels, the work of the hands of a cunning workman.