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邦戈介绍了非洲形势及现存热点问题的情况。Bongo introduced the situation and current hot-spot issues in Africa.

邦戈前总理让恩东说,过去的政策必须改变。Former Bongo prime minister Jean Ndong says past policies must change.

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我们已得知加蓬总统邦戈逝世的不幸消息。We have got the sad news that the Gabonese President Bongo passed away.

但外界利伯维尔,布库比说,邦戈赢得了很大比例的选票。But outside Libreville, Boukoubi says Bongo won a large proportion of the vote.

邦戈预计会由儿子即国防部长阿里本·邦戈继任。Bongo is expected to be succeeded by his son Ali-Ben Bongo, the defence minister.

但是加蓬的石油储量正在枯竭,邦戈看到了另一个热门产品能发财的机会。But Gabon's oil reserves were dwindling and Bongo saw a chance to cash in on another hot commodity.

邦戈家族成员以包机747飞机去巴黎疯狂购物而闻名。Members of the Bongo family have become famous for chartering 747s for their Paris shopping sprees.

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今天能看到格诺尼先生的20件邦格雕像几乎是不可能的,即使是在博物馆。It would be impossible today to see 20 Bongo figures such as Mr de Grunnè’s together, even in a museum.

「无论发生什麽事,不管任何人说什麽,」彭高去年宣称开矿计画「势在必行。」Whatever happens, whatever anyone says, ' Mr. Bongo declared last year, the mining project "will go ahead."

加蓬的总统邦戈是中国几代领导人的老朋友,访问过中国至少8次,胡主席那次是中国领导人首次访问该国。President Omar Bongo is an old friend of Chinese leaders for generations. He visited China at least 8 times.

非洲任期最长的领袖,加蓬总统奥马尔·邦戈·翁丁巴在执政40多年后去世。Africa's longest-serving leader President Omar Bongo of Gabon has died after more than 40 years in power. Mr.

奥马尔·邦戈能够长期执掌政权主要是通过委任其竞争对手在政府中担任职位。Omar Bongo remained in power for so long mainly by co-opting his opponents and giving them government positions.

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在保护区里还有黑猩猩,大象,水牛和一种名为“邦戈”的红褐色羚羊。Chimpanzees, elephants, buffaloes and a reddish-brown antelope known as the bongo also occur in this protected area.

邦戈对记者说的法国对非洲事务,他已在国内外事务的经验,为加蓬的坚强领导。After some confusion, it was confirmed that Africa's longest-serving leader, President Omar Bongo of Gabon, had died.

上个月,一位法国治安官展开了一项对三位非洲领导人过分荒淫行为的调查,其中就包括邦戈。Last month a French magistrate launched an investigation into the excesses of three African leaders, including Bongo.

最近这段时间感触颇多,遂写点什么的念头再次敲打着小鼓蹦出来。Feeling of this paragraph of time is quite much recently, the idea that what writes then is beating bongo to skip again come out.

这里一个木材特许权,那里一段铺路延伸工程或庞戈运动场,任何想反对他做事方法的人都被解除了武装。A timber concession here, a stretch of paved road or a Bongo stadium there, disarmed anyone who objected to his way of doing things.

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法国在利伯维尔拥有军事基地使巴黎能够密切监视相邻的法语国家,也为邦戈提供了安全保障。French military base in Libreville allowed Paris to keep a close watch on neighbouring Francophone states and offered Bongo security.

曼本杜说,有没有办法阿里本邦戈可以赢,因为他所有的42股,他父亲的统治期间的责任。Mamboundou says there is no way that Ali Ben Bongo can win because he shares responsibility for all the 42 years of his father's rule.

法国在利伯维尔拥有军事基地使巴黎能够密切监视相邻的法语国家,也为邦戈提供了安全保障。A French military base in Libreville allowed Paris to keep a close watch on neighbouring Francophone states and offered Bongo security.