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这个昔日的机器人时宠爱犬晃。This canine robot of yesteryear wiggles when petted.

网络就像多年前的电话簿,你必须列名其上。It’s like the phonebook of yesteryear – you need to be on it.

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现行体制保证新资本都流向去年的破产企业。The system almost guarantees that fresh capital goes to the losers of yesteryear.

那里面的摲从⑿迹还带着英雄主义年代的夸张姿态。Their "anti-heroes" still cling to the exaggerated poses of the socialist hero of yesteryear.

在商界,离开商务舞台不久便回归的首席执行官们仍然可以扮演重要角色。In business the returning chief executive of yesteryear can still have a significant role to play.

到去年年末,来自新客户的收入占新业务的百分之八十。Revenue from new customers accounts for over 80 per cent of new business by the end of yesteryear.

你身边的人都想你找到爱情,这些勇敢的家伙也许可以为你化解去年那群坏小孩给你带来的毒。Your peeps want you to find love, and these stand-up fellas may be the antidote to all those toxic bad boys of yesteryear.

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为国家效忠和服务这不仅仅是过去的坚持和信念,新一代的人也同样体会着其重要的意义。Service and duty are not just the guiding principles of yesteryear. They have an enduring value which spans the generations.

两国家没有迈向减少核武库的问题的下一阶段,而是把去年的问题翻出来继续老调重弹。Instead of moving to the next stage in reducing nuclear arsenals, the two countriesare debating stale arguments of yesteryear.

这里的娱乐设施非常陈旧,距离一些大城市如盐湖城或里诺还有4个小时的车程。The town's casinos have a faded look of yesteryear and major cities such as Salt Lake City or Reno are four hours away by car.

近年来,出现了一大批热衷于老游戏及其怀旧风格的开发者和粉丝。Over the past several years, a community of developers and fans infatuated with the games and styles of yesteryear has developed.

不合身礼服和皮革衣服已经被人们遗忘很久了,如今艾玛出席红地毯时穿上这种风格的衣服,宛如专为她设计。The ill-fitting gowns and feather boas of yesteryear have been long-forgotten as nowadays Emma works the Red Carpet like the pro she is.

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虽然这些聚会总是将我们和家人朋友快乐地召集在一起,也可能把那些昔日旧爱带到面前。Although these get-togethers often happily reunite us with family and friends, they also tend to unhappily reunite us with our exes of yesteryear.

如果太多的火山热量被释放,火山口的浮冰群将会完全消失并且洞和几年前的雪一起消失。If too much volcanic heat is discharged, the crater's ice pack will melt away entirely and the caves will vanish along with the snows of yesteryear.

鉴于华盛顿正仔细考量进入叙利亚行动,这儿有一些对昔日盟友的回顾——从阿富汗到尼加拉瓜——以及行动结果。AsWashington mulls its move into Syria, here's a look back at some allies of yesteryear — from Afghanistan to Nicaragua — and how that all turned out.

近年来,FIFA系列在消除任意球和角球方面的复杂转向、力度和准确性指示仪上得了长足进步。In recent years, the FIFA series has made a marked effort to rid itself of the over-complicated swerve, power and accuracy meters of yesteryear for free-kicks and corners.

我们看到的不再是一个大型的就职游行,而是亲眼目睹一个崭新资本主义葬礼的开幕仪式,葬礼的队伍中排满了去年倒下的那些巨人。Instead of a great inaugural parade, we would have witnessed the opening of a new capitalist cemetery, the funeral cortege bearing the titles of the fallen titans of yesteryear.

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当全国广播公司为郊区青少年昔日滑稽的发型和昔日滑稽的青春期困惑问题而挑选人选进行节目试播的时候他们的年龄仍然还是二十七岁。They were still only twenty-seven when NBC picked up their pilot for a series about suburban teen-agers with funny yesteryear hair styles and funny yesteryear teen difficulties.

因为这个原因,现在许多的公司都在生产全天然的宠物食品,其他公司也将以前一些粗粮加工成全天然的营养食品。For this reason, a number of companies now manufacture all-natural products, while others have duplicated the raw-food diets of yesteryear and market them as the ultimate in all-natural diets.

这似乎触动了城市学家们敏感的神经,他们比较偏爱旧时的那种商业中心城市,而排斥近些年出现的这些重心较为分散的城市模式。This seems to offend the tender sensibilities of urbanists who crave for the downtown-centric cities of yesteryear and reject the more dispersed model that has emerged in the past few decades.