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口水直流一大摊。DC saliva a share.

他研究的是唾液的分泌。He was interested in saliva.

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唾液是一种缓冲溶液。Saliva is a buffered solution.

涎腺肿胀、疼痛。Swollen, painful saliva glands.

唾腺分泌唾液。Glands in the mouth secrete saliva.

不久,他在痰中发现了血。Soon, he found blood in his saliva.

为了弄到唾液,他找来了几条狗。And to get saliva he had to have dogs.

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我一口全吞咽下去了,分不清是血还是唾液。I gulped it down, blood, saliva and all.

唾液是由外分泌腺分泌出来的。Saliva is secreted from the exocrine gland.

你没见过两个白痴交换吐沫妈?You never saw two idiots exchange saliva before?

现在淌着的哈喇子,将成为明天的眼泪。Now drips the saliva , will become tomorrow tear.

你可以用自己的涎水去擦孩子脸上的脏物。You use your own saliva to clean your child's face.

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它咧嘴笑着,口水沿着多毛的下巴淌着。He grinned , and saliva dripped down his hairy chin.

狗狗舔了我之后,我满脸都是他的口水。After the dog licked me, my face was coated with saliva.

消化是在口腔唾液的作用下开始的。Digestion begins in the mouth with the action of saliva.

脸上湿湿的都是口水水感觉好好的嘞!It feels really good with her saliva all over our faces.

唾液抑制所有血液中的病毒。Saliva inactivates HIV, including any virus in the blood.

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涎腺在你的颈部,耳朵下面。The saliva glands are on your neck, just below your ears.

她拼命想往迈克尔脸上吐口水,但是她把嘴说干了,吐不出口水来。She tried to spit in Michael's face but she had no saliva.

此刻流的涎水,将成为明天的泪水。the dripping saliva now, will become the tear of tomorrow.