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然而中国科协自身无法改变这种自上而下的普及模式。But CAST alone cannot change the top-down model for popularisation.

另外一个问题是要改善科学传播与科学普及的方法。Another would be to revise the approach to science communication and popularisation.

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是在它的普及方面的真正突破交易中的有关人士说。Is really a breakthrough in its popularisation , said a person involved in the deal.

在政府对科研项目的资助中,也不像西方国家那样,包含了对科普的预算。And government funding for research projects has no scope for science popularisation.

科学技术普及活动由于国家公共政策而显著增加。S&T popularisation activities have increased significantly due to a national public policy.

雷绮虹说目前没有任何要修改科普法的计划。Lei Yihong says there are no plans to make any legal revision to the science popularisation law.

这个科普人才计划正是为了服务农村地区的现实需要的,”詹正茂表示。We will draw up a science popularisation talent project to serve the current demand in rural areas.

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科学传播者必须动员受众参加科普讲座,某些情况甚至会为参加农村科普的农民支付误工费。Audiences have to be mobilised to attend science popularisation lectures, in some cases even paid money.

大规模印制书籍促进了中国的学术繁荣,教育普及。This mass production of books led to the flourishing of scholarship and the popularisation of education.

随着汽车的普及,市郊将进一步发展,市中心则不再那么拥挤。With the popularisation of cars, the suburbs will become more developed, and the downtown area will be less crowded.

随着PLC的推广普及,PLC产品的种类和数量越来越多,而且功能也日趋完善。With the popularisation of PLC, PLC product range and the growing number and function are becoming increasingly perfect.

民办中小学教育是基础教育的重要组成部分,对教育发挥着重要作用。Based on the upstanding market economy, the prosperous development of education run by the local people reflects the popularisation educational trend.

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浙江工业大学在高等教育大众化进程中,形成了有特色的、创新的教育质量观。In the process of higher education popularisation , Zhejiang University of Technology has formed its own characteristic and original view on education quality.

然而,他对所用观念的拓展和发挥,并将这一新生流派推向主流大众并使之得到认可和欢迎作出的贡献,足以使他本人在科幻领域取得举足轻重的一席之地。But the way he expanded and expounded his ideas, and his popularisation of the nascent genre to a mainstream audience, make him an immense figure in science fiction.

短期内,中国科协能完成一些技术改革,比如增加科学普及项目的评估以及利用反馈信息来指导后续工作。In the short term, some technical improvements can be made, such as increasing evaluation of science popularisation projects and using feedback to guide ensuing activities.

科学为民服务巡礼各参与部门在一次交流会上,议决来年继续举办不同类型的活动,提倡科学普及,推广科学教育。At a meeting , departments taking part in the campaign decided to keep organising different activities in the coming year to promote science popularisation and science education.

科普作品首次列入了中国一年一度的国家科技奖中,这表明决策者对这个领域给予了更高的重视。Science popularisation has been recognised for the first time in China's annual national science awards, reflecting a recent increase in the importance policymakers attach to the field.

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中国科学院研究生院传播教研室主任李大光对科普教育基金表示了赞赏,他认为,这个基金走出了民间组织从事科普教育工作的第一步。Li Daguang, director of the Science Communication Centre at the Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, commended the nongovernmental sector's first step towards science popularisation.

随着局域网在企事业单位的普及,提出利用网络特有的新技术手段,采用目前流行的ASP网络开发技术实现了基于网络环境的考勤管理。With the popularisation of LAN in industry and enterprises, it was proposed the Check on Work AttendanceManagement System using new popular technology of ASP and the proper measure based on network.