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他偷眼一看。He steals a peep.

在破晓时分的床上?In her bed at peep of day?

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在这黎明初晓的小巢中?。In her nest at peep of day?

在这天亮初晓的小巢中?In her nest to peep of day?

当你在我的窗口窥视。While you thro' my window peep.

他往门里偷看了一眼。He took a peep through the door.

也,或许,穿过梦境窥看。If, haply, thro' a dream to peep.

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他蹲下来向篮子里窥视了一下。He squatted down to peep into the basket.

偷看别人的工作是不礼貌的。It's rude to peep at other people's work.

直到群星满布,在天空眨眼窥探。Till stars are beginning to blink and peep.

让我们偷看一下VGB的绅士休闲装。Peep the VGB Gentlemen of Leisure Collection.

当你外面偷看时成功微笑的脸。When you peep out the successful smiling face.

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我从飞机的舷窗向外张望,看到一片云海。I peep out the porthole and see a sea of clouds.

让青天不能从黑暗的重衾里探出头来。Nor heaven peep through the blanket of the dark.

花正开始破土而出。The flowers are beginning to peep through the soil.

琼发表意见说,我们该回家了。Peep through the letterbox and see if anyone is at home.

人家挂着窗帘呢,别去窥望。Pray, do not go for a peep at the curtains yonder there!

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小鸡因为饿而开始吱吱叫。The little chicks begin to peep because they are hungry.

小鸟说些什么呢?在这黎明初晓的小巢中?What does little birdie say, In her nest at peep of day?

然而奇怪的是,她在训练过程中不发出喊叫声。Yet curiously, she doesn’t utter a peep during practice.