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我喜欢玉米汤。I love corn soup.

苍翠繁茂的玉黍蜀田人。A lush corn field.

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玉米爆开了。The corn is popped.

这株玉米抽穗很好。This corn ears well.

加入玉米和牛奶。Add the corn and milk.

淀粉糖生产技术。Corn sugar technology.

我将玉米煮太烂了。I overcooked the corn.

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他们给谷物催肥。They feed out the corn.

踏平他的玉米地吗?By treading on his corn?

那只母鸡啄食玉米。The hen pecked the corn.

阳光使农作物成熟。The sun ripens the corn.

玉米。葛斯在吃玉米。Corn. Gus is eating corn.

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你喜欢玉米汤吗?Do you like the corn soup?

猪靠吃谷物长肥。The pigs fattened on corn.

母鸡啄食谷粒。The hen pecked at the corn.

玉米种子是人家送的。The seed corn was given me.

没有五谷杂粮人类就不能生存。Man can't live without corn.

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因此你能买到玉米脱粒机。So you've got corn shellers.

这场雨砸倒了玉米苗。The rain flattened the corn.

那头骆驼驮的是谷物吗?Was the camel carrying corn?