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自动擦鞋机“,”Auto Shoe Polisher.

碧沙汽车销售。Bayside Auto Sales.

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大图自动分割功能。Auto divide large pictures.

在汽车修理店的家伙?Guys who work in an auto shop?

自动启动和自动隐藏功能。Auto Start & Auto Hide features.

新一代热风枪可应用在汽车维修!Hot Air Guns for Auto Repairing.

但盼达汽车有自己的优势。But Pand Auto has its advantages.

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汽车拉力赛的这个路线图。The whole route of the auto race.

当玩家只剩一手牌时自动出牌。Auto go cards when you can finish.

临蓐线是全主动的吗?Is the production line fully auto?

奥迪也是一个德国汽车公司。Audi is also a German auto company.

自动键盘锁和播放屏保。Auto Keylock and play screen saver.

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全自动压痕深浅系统。Auto creasing depth control system.

自动省电关闭装置。Auto energy-saving shut-off devices.

喇叭,调节器,闪光器,继电器。Auto Horn, Regulator, Flasher, Relay.

或考虑下汽车销售的大幅下降。Or consider the plunge in auto sales.

汽车零部件都由手工制造。Auto components were all made by hand.

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你的车用柴油还是汽油?Fährt dein Auto mit Diesel oder Benzin?

为台服客户端增加自动转换字体。Added auto switch fonts for zhTW client.

你希望现在进行自动行程标定吗?Do you wish to run Auto Travel Calib now ?