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他想再去燃起她的情火。He tried to rekindle her attention.

这就是为什么假日能重新点燃激情的原因所在。This is why holidays can rekindle passion.

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他用力吹灰烬以便使火复燃。He blew hard on the ashes to rekindle the fire.

从那时起他再也不能激发起她的爱情。He has never been able to rekindle her love since then.

他们愤概于哪里出了错,或者如何去重燃爱火。They agonise over what went wrong and how to rekindle the flame.

他回来是为了重新点燃他们之间的关系---无论当终剩下的是什么。He's back to try to rekindle their connection-whatever is left of it.

二是老婆担心他跟旧相好的擦出什么火花,一同出席能起警卫和监督之效。Her wife is afraid for him who may rekindle things with former lover.

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对这些令我们内心重燃的人,我们应心存感激。We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.

这些节日将逐渐地重燃这将烬的灵性品味火花。These festivals will gradually rekindle the dying spark of spiritual taste.

每年圣诞节,她仍会回来,希望能重修旧好。Still, every Christmas, she returned, hoping to rekindle some form of romance.

如果我们原谅,我们必须要和过去的那些人重新建立关系?If we forgive, do we have to rekindle a relationship with someone from the past?

这给了我机会重新和他们保持联系,重温友谊。That gave me an opportunity to reconnect with them and rekindle the relationship.

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意味着采取措施重新促进需求,保证全球复苏持续进行。That means taking steps to rekindle demand so that global recovery can be sustained.

哈普林还声称詹妮弗安妮斯顿想和皮特重燃爱火。Halperin also claims that Jennifer Aniston is keen to rekindle her romance with Pitt.

所以,我们应该驳斥我们之中企图使旧创复发,旧恨重燃的人。So let us reject any among us who seeks to reopen wounds and to rekindle old hatreds.

主阿怜悯祢的教会,点燃复兴之火,就在现在!!!Oh Lord, have a mercy on Thy church, rekindle the fire of revival. Revive Thy Church today! ! !

在我们平静你摆脱你的厌世,重新点燃你的活力和热情的蔓达梦水疗中心。At the Mandara Spa we lull you to shed your world-weariness and rekindle your vitality and zest.

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些微创造性就能重燃那些原本把你们聚到一起的激情。A little creativity can rekindle those passionate feelings that got you together in the first place.

这种理解让人们得以开发百忧解这类药物重新点燃抑郁症患者的希望之光。This understanding allowed them to develop drugs such as Prozac that rekindle desire in depressed patients.

这种理解让人们得以开发百忧解这类药物重新点燃抑郁症患者的希望之光。This understanding allowed them to develop drugs such as Prozac that rekindle desire in depressed patients.