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本杰民出生在平民窟。Benjamin was born in slums.

他拿给本杰民一些钱。He gave Benjamin some money.

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本杰明那里有些人正在行凶杀人。There are very bad men in Benjamin.

本雅明甚至在那时就已对我的怀疑论叫板。Benjamin even pre-empts my skepticism.

地找电灯开关。Benjamin fumbled for the light switch.

但本杰明说,这样做还不够。But, Benjamin said, that is not enough.

过去的钱,本杰明巴顿,什么?Old money Benjamin Button, what, nuttin.

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本杰明?马奇1899年出生于芝加哥市。Benjamin March was born in Chicago in 1899.

本杰明•莫沙要为我们解开这层层迷雾。Benjamin Moser sets out to crack the enigma.

本杰明感觉到有一个鼻子在他肩上磨蹭。Benjamin felt a nose nuzzling at his shoulder.

迄今为止本杰民在工厂里工作得很好。So far Benjamin had done very well at factory.

富兰克林其中一项着名的事迹。Name one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for.

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滑稽,皮帽本杰明富兰克林曾经穿。The funny, fur hat Benjamin Franklin once wore.

我是本杰明•吉罗,这里是“猎寻真相”。I'm Benjamin Giraud, and this is Hunt the Truth.

班杰明富兰克林长大之后会成为什么样的人?What would Benjamin Franklin be when he grew up?

神学家兼希腊语学者本杰明·周伊特。Benjamin jowett the theologian and greek scholar.

无法相信我能见到本杰明。哈伯特。I can't believe I'm about to meet Benjamin Hobart.

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这都是犹大和便雅悯的坚固城。These were fortified cities in Judah and Benjamin.

班哲明‧富兰克林著称的一项事迹是什么?What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?

本杰明·富尔福德自1998以来在远东工作。Benjamin Fulford worked in the Far East since 1998.