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单位面积上的发光强度。The luminous intensity on unit area.

他的比赛强度和对节奏性都在增长。His intensity and rhythm only increase.

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这出戏表现了强烈的感情。The play shows great intensity of feeling.

此酒成漂亮深紫色,深邃浓厚。Beautiful purple color of a deep intensity.

这种收获强度能维持下去吗?Can harvests of this intensity be sustained?

地震烈度是经常使用的一个名词。Seismic intensity is a term frequently used.

每个像素都有各自的颜色和亮度。Each pixel is assigned a color and intensity.

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改建后的声强分布。Sound intensity distribution after alteration.

浓郁的深色水果和樱桃酒的香气。A pronounced intensity of red fruits and kirsch.

得到封闭的光强朗之万方程。Closed laser intensity Langevin equation is got.

今晚北京队打了48分钟高强度的比赛。Today we played with great intensity for 48 min.

放牧强度影响羯羊体重。Herds the intensity influence wether body weight.

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这次打击之大使她欲哭无泪。The intensity of the blow made her unable to cry.

更多的高潮可能发生,每一个都强如潮水。More orgasms may occur, each gaining in intensity.

可有效降低风阻,同时使拍框强度更高。Reduce air resistance and improve frame intensity.

这次打击之大使她欲哭无泪。The intensity of the blow made her unabled to cry.

达到这种强度的气旋发展出了风眼。A cyclone of this intensity tends to develop an eye.

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英国国家主义的强度时高时低。British nationalism ebbs and flows in its intensity.

低驱动电流,高强度的光发射。Low Drive Current, High Intensity of Light Emission.

一个与我心灵相契的人是不会把动物的死尸当食物吃的。A man of my spiritual intensity does not eat corpses.