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蓝如矢车菊,如青钢,如冰蓝花。Cornflower blue, steel blue, ice blue.

太阳照耀着藏蓝色的天空。The sun shone out of a cornflower blue sky.

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蒙大拿州的“矢车菊蓝”蓝宝石被称为世界各地。Montana's "Cornflower Blue" Sapphire is known throughout the world.

与大丽花一样,矢车菊也同属19纲。Like the dahlia, the cornflower Centaurea cyanus belongs to class 19.

野生花卉如矢车菊认为,一度被非常普遍,现在一种罕见的视线。Wild flowers such as the cornflower that were once very common are now a rare sight.

女王的矢车菊蓝帽子在2013年乔治王子的洗礼时初次亮相。The Queen's cornflower blue hat got its first outing at Prince George's Christening in 2013.

该系列的色彩也非常大胆,从白色到水泥灰色,甚至还有矢车菊蓝色。The series is also very bold colors, from white to gray cement, and even the blue cornflower.

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在那遥远的海洋,那儿的海水蓝得像最美丽的矢车菊花瓣,清澈得犹如水晶一般。Far out in the ocean, where the water is as blue as the prettiest cornflower , and as clear as crystal.

经过用本发明的方法处理的天然蓝宝石,可以褪色、增透、并具有矢车菊蓝色调,其观赏和经济价值有大幅度提高。Through the said process, natural sapphire is discolored and its transmissivity increased and will have the hue of cornflower blue.

此外一些微量的离子,金属盐以及其他的有机物质也可以改变其显色,例如花青素在玫瑰中显红色而在玉米花中显蓝色。Color may also be modified by traces of iron and other metal salts and organic substances, for example cyanin is red in roses but blue in the cornflower.

汉斯莱的个子和杰克差不多高,只是更瘦一些,那身剪裁合体的炭灰色西装,一尘不染的埃及棉白衬衫和浅蓝色领带让他看上去更加干练。As tall as Jack, Hensley was thinner, more compact under a perfectly tailored charcoal-gray suit and spotless white Egyptian cotton shirt, a tie of cornflower blue.

在照片里,晒得黝黑的孩子欢快地沿着长满翠绿色青草的湖岸追逐,一直跑到一片开阔的湖水,蓝色的湖水使头顶上矢车草色的天空显得是那么耀眼。Those images boasted bronzed children racing joyfully down a bank of emerald green grass towards a vast expanse of water so blue that the cornflower sky above looked dazzled.