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这一计算是比较烦复的。But the calculation is quite complicate.

他总喜欢把简单的事情复杂化。He always likes to complicate simple matters.

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官僚主义产生了使生活化的条条框框。Bureaucracy spawns many rules that complicate our life.

我想这是因为我们不必要地将生活复杂化了。I think that is because we unnecessarily complicate it.

你千万不要提出新的争端使问题更加复杂化。You mustn’t complicate the problem by raising new issues.

它的使用将会使陆军的空域指挥与控制复杂化。Its use will complicate Army airspace command and control.

当你告别了年少轻狂的岁月,别让你的思想复杂化。So when you ride through the ruts, don't complicate your mind.

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但这可能会让TARP重启贷款的目标更加复杂化。But that may complicate TARP's objective of jumpstarting lending.

这项规定可能会给交谈增加困难,但有变通的办法。This rule can complicate a conversation, but there are workarounds.

这段日子里,尽管我常常想到巴里,却不曾想过要打电话给他。As much as I'd like to see him again, it would only complicate my life.

对于复杂的问题,性对一些人是种焦虑的体验。And to complicate matters, sex is an anxious experience for some people.

大选当前再起一场"斗气"战争只会让事情更加复杂。A renewed gas war on the eve of the election would just complicate matters.

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这一轮新制裁将会有助于问题的解决还是会使伊朗核问题更加复杂?Will this new round of sanctions help settle the issue or just complicate it?

气候变化和极端天气现象更使情况雪上加霜。Climate change and extreme weather events will further complicate the picture.

不宜堵塞炮泥,因为万一炮泥烧结堵死就会使以后的装药工作很麻烦。Stemming is not advisable because it can sinter and complicate later charging.

放松的状态可以防止任何使我生活复杂的欲念。My constant state of relaxation would prevent any desire to complicate my life.

为什么规则制定者总是要把安全车的阶段搞得那么复杂呢?Why are the rule-makers constantly trying to complicate the safety car periods?

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利率上涨可能会促使贷款抵押率上调,不利于房地产市场回暖。The rise will likely push up mortgage rates and complicate the housing recovery.

当前压缩联邦开支的压力,预示着格罗夫斯的工作会更加复杂。The current drive to shrink federal spending promises to complicate Groves's job.

目前针对鳞翅目的系统发育关系尚未形成统一的认识。The classification of species in Lepidoptera has been controversial and complicate.