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你住在大草原上的蒙古包里。You live on the steppes in a ger.

玛丽的蓝色衣服与她的眼睛十分相配。Mary's blue dress goes with ger eyes.

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请带我出去吃一块汉堡包。Please take me out for a ham-bur- ger.

如果你等待,发生的只是你变老了。If you wait, all that happens is that you ger older.

咖啡是在大约1670年进入德国的。Coffee drinking was introduced into Ger many about 1670.

蒙古包区没有自来水和其他基础设施。Ger districts lack running water and other basic services.

阳光穿过帐篷顶的缝隙洒在这个传统的蒙古包。Sunlight enters a traditional ger through gaps in the roof.

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将近一半的蒙古包居民的生活水平处于贫困线以下。Nearly half of all ger dwellers live below the poverty line.

蒙古包区的孩子们正在已被污染的图尔河中纳凉。Children from the ger districts cool off in the polluted Tuul River.

并研究其与COPD严重程度的相关性。And then explored the relationship between the serious degree of COPD and GER.

从机场出来驶过乌兰巴托郊区,我第一次近距离见到了蒙古包。Driving from the airport through the outskirts of Ulan Bator, I saw my first ger up close.

提示小儿病理性GER以卧位时明显,伴有食管裂孔疝者返流更为严重。Pathological GER in children was more serious at lying position, especially in patients with HH.

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“当我们走出蒙古包时,最先看到的就是那些栅栏。”奥奇古说,“简直就像是住在箱子里一样。”"We step outside the ger and all we can see is that fence," Ochkhuu said. "It's like living in a box."

本文将对这些问题一一加以分析,从而为中国的政企关系改革提供新的视角。This thesis will analyze these questions one by one, thus provide a new angle of view for China's GER reform.

牧人在恶劣的地势下能很快的把这个圆顶帐篷安装好。Also called a yurt, the circular ger can be assembled quickly by nomadic herders making camp in harsh terrain.

在乌兰巴托郊区,奥奇古·惹楠和他的女儿阿奴卡正在亲戚家的蒙古包里使用iPhone看视频。Ochkhuu Genen and daughter Anuka watch a video on an iPhone in a relative's ger on the outskirts of Ulaanbaatar.

众所周知,一个富有的牧民,意味着为他的蒙古包配备一个卫星天线和一个太能能面板,并拥有一辆摩托车。A rich nomad today is known for having a satellite dish and a solar panel for his ger and a motorbike for himself.

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葛洪为道教理论建构富有知识水准的理论体系,集神仙思想之大成。Ger Hong established more scholarly theory for Taoism, and he was a comprehensive expression of celestial thought.

我得把贝基引开。“宝贝。”我嗓子都发紧。“把它的头放下,到妈妈这儿来,咱们去找人帮忙。”I had to ger Becky away. "Honey, " My throat tightened, 'Put his head down and come to Mama. We'll go find help. "

我已经被安排住在戈壁日出大酒店,酒店距离赛音山达18公里,有一点贵但是我得对自己好点。I had arranged to stay in Gobi Sunrise Ger Camp, 18km outside Sainshand. It was a bit expensive but I was treating myself.