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啊,这座土堆就是陵墓啊?Is this mound the mausoleum?

再说始皇帝陵。Besides First Emperor Mausoleum.

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还有就是陵寝部分。The other part is the mausoleum.

南京中山陵,国父孙中山先生的安息之地…Dr. Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum Scenic Spot.

秦始皇陵地方选得真好。It is a nice site chosen for the mausoleum.

所有那些大理石让人想起了陵墓。All that marble brought to mind a mausoleum.

怎么样,秦始皇陵大吧?Well, is the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum very big?

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西汉南越王博物馆值得看看。Mausoleum of the Nanyue King is worth visiting.

周王们的真正陵墓极可能就在这里。Western Thou kings mausoleum probably be there.

后来,这也成为了沙.贾汉的陵寝。It later became the mausoleum of Shah Jahan too.

秦始皇陵兵马俑在哪里?Where is the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor?

你说的秦始皇陵到底在哪儿啊?Where is the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum you mentioned?

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陵线且具有速度感之造型设计。Has the speed feeling mausoleum line modeling design.

我们今天就要去看看秦始皇陵。Today I'll take you to see the Qin Shihuang Mausoleum.

列宁陵墓的守卫们,穿着毡靴的胶套鞋Guards of Lenin’s mausoleum in felt boots with galoshes.

秦始皇帝陵园的面积有56.25平方公里。The total area of the mausoleum is 56.25 square kilometres.

凯末尔纪念馆,阿塔图尔克雕像前的警卫交接班仪式。Changing of guard at Anit Kabir Mausoleum at Ataturk Monument.

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以典型的贵族墓葬建筑、皇陵建筑为研究对象。A typical Tombs building, Mausoleum construction for the study.

依我看,我们应该去瞻仰中山陵。In my opinion, we should go to see the Sun Zhongshan Mausoleum.

中山陵园风景区景色秀美,是享誉海内外的世界级景区。The Sun Yat-sen's Mausoleum area is a world-famous scenic spot.