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热情于谁。Enthusiasm for who.

他热情洋溢。He is brimful of enthusiasm.

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我们会对什么表现出热情?Where do we show enthusiasm?

我是热情。也许,你需要我。I am enthusiasm. you need me.

他们的热情减退了。Their enthusiasm slacked off.

他们的热情开始减退。Their enthusiasm slacked off.

起义是狂热的表现。An insurrection is an enthusiasm.

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我们倾注了满腔的澎湃热情。We've poured our full enthusiasm.

足够的热情向前瞻望。Enough enthusiasm to look forward.

一些真正的热情如何?How about some genuine enthusiasm?

她的声音因热情而颤抖。Her voice vibrated with enthusiasm.

我无法抑制自己的热切的心情。I was unable to bate my enthusiasm.

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到那时她的热情已经冷了下来。By that time her enthusiasm had cold.

她有热情,有朝气。She is full of vigour and enthusiasm.

激情洋溢,充满活力,热力四射。Exude Passion, Energy, and Enthusiasm.

只有你能挑战我的激情,的确,只有你。Jusu you can challenge my enthusiasm !

开始太热情把话都说尽。Your words are full of enthusiasm too.

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到那时她的热情已经冷了下来。By that time her enthusiasm had cooled.

他称赞他们的热情。He commended them for their enthusiasm.

他总是洋溢着热情。He is always overflown with enthusiasm.