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他们大打出手,从来没有这麽厉害。They had the most frightful set-to.

这是我们一生之中的一个非常难过的时刻。This is a frightful moment in our life.

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一次可怕的交通事故避免了。A frightful traffic disaster was avoided.

他在心里发出一阵狞恶的欢呼。He uttered a frightful cry of inward joy.

这是个丑陋不堪的破窑,但她感到自己自由了。It was a frightful hole, but she felt free.

当我看到这个可怕的景象时,我的脉搏跳得更快了。My pulse quickened when I saw the frightful sight.

你就不能通知他说这是非常严重的吗?Cannot you inform him that it is frightful earnest?

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这些可怕的经历深深印入他的记忆。These frightful experiences are branded on his memory.

这个可怕的景象把小女孩吓哭了。The frightful sight frightened the little girl into crying.

他头脑里出现了一阵乱糟糟的无比恐怖的想法。The most frightful thoughts rushed pell-mell through his mind.

你还记得我们穿过边疆铁骑军,那个可怕的晚上吗?Do you still recall the frightful night we crossed the Rio Grande?

凯瑟琳,你注意到他那可怕的约克郡的口音没有?Have you noticed, Catherine, his frightful Yorkshire pronunciation?

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战斗异常血腥惨烈,后来,他绝少与我们谈起在硫磺岛的战斗经历。So frightful was the battle, he rarely spoke of his experiences on Iwo.

但如果你是唯一的客人,那就很可能会出现令人不快的误会。But if you are the only guest there is apt to a frightful misunderstanding.

昨天的美国未经是一个完整不共的世界了,骇己的残暴跟恐怖的偏执一往不复返了。America today is a world away from the cruel and frightful bigotry of that time.

见到了如此怕的妖怪,吾们失去知觉了,都躺倒着象死人。At the sight of so frightful a genie, we lost our senses, and lay like dead men.

许多令人发指的罪行都是借宗教的名义犯下的。Horrible cruelties and frightful crimes were perpetrated in the name of religion.

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这场混战真是骇人,正象蒲·马蒂厄斯所说的“狗牙咬住了狼肉”。The battle was frightful. There was a dog's tooth for wolf's flesh, as P. Mathieu says.

斯戈弗莱尔深悔没有说一千法郎。Master Scaufflaire experienced a frightful regret that he had not said a thousand francs.

如果将剩下的法国壮丁,派去攻打这座由炮火和混凝土合成的铜墙铁壁,这是多么可怕啊!How frightful to hurl the remaining manhood of france against this wall of fire and concrete !