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狗追狐狸到其巢穴。The fox elude the dog.

这其中的细节我并不太清楚。The specifics of this elude my understanding.

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然而,我们还是没有找到完全的解决方案。However, the complete solution continues to elude us.

他尝试灭迹覆盖踪迹以甩掉逃踪者。He tried his best to conceal traces so as to elude pursuers.

只恐我不够珍惜你,你千方百计地逃避。Lest I should not prize you, you elude me in a thousand ways.

由于这种食蜜雀的沉默的特性使得它一直没被发现。What helped the honeyeater elude discovery was it's silent nature.

此三者不可致诘,故混而为一。These three elude all our inquiries and hence blend and become One.

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埃瓦赞是一个伪装大师,能多次躲过追捕。Evazan was a master of disguise, able to elude capture time and again.

通过完成旋转,转了360度的圈来摆脱防守队员。To elude a defender by doing a complete spin, making a 360-degree turn.

那些软的部分,像是肌肉和皮肤,却容易逃离科学家的捕捉。It's the soft parts, like muscles and skin, that tend to elude scientists.

偶数的错误,可以躲避的高错误率的链路上的奇偶校验。Even-numbered errors can elude the parity check on links with high error rates.

我们独自努力摸索着,但是不知道怎么了幸福还是在躲避着我们。We struggle and bumble our way along, but somehow happiness continues to elude us.

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绝地们追踪她到科里班,消灭了奥米加,但阿伯又跑了。The Jedi pursued her to Korriban, killing Omega, but Arbor continued to elude them.

他的作品揭开日常生活的面纱,为我们捕捉到了“美”的最完美瞬间。His work catches that perfect moment of beauty and who elude us for veil of everyday life.

让我们为长生不老药还没有被发现而感到高兴吧,同时也庆幸我们生命的有限。Let us be grateful that the elixir continues to elude us — and toast instead our finitude.

马修唱歌不跑调而且能够识别旋律类似的歌曲,所以音准难不倒他。Mathieu sings in tune and recognizes familiar melodies, so musical pitch doesn't elude him.

但这儿有个问题似乎奥组委和它那帮官僚兄弟们没有注意到。But there is a problem that may elude the best efforts of Bocog and its bureaucratic allies.

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“还有,性别与性并非同义词,”他说,“尽管门外汉可能不知道其区别。”And gender isn’t synonymous with sex, he says, although the distinction may elude the layman.

这样做,你不会知道你所触及的世界,但利益不会逃避你。In doing so, you might not know the life you have touched, but the benefits will not elude you.

事后连一条船也不准通过的敌方海军,当时却让拿破仑全军通过。The enemy's fleet, which later on does not let one boat escape it, now lets a whole army elude it.