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含量较高的氨基酸依次是谷氨酸、精氨酸、门冬氨酸和亮氨酸。The contents of Glu, Arg, Asp and Leu were heighter.

成立于1990年,伊北塞浦路斯也是一个比较新的大学。Established in 1990, LEU is also a relatively new North Cyprus university.

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对好莱乌电影的发展是从电影工业的发展来讨论的。The development of the film for good leu is the development of the film industry to be discussed.

对蛋白质直接正向和负向效应最大的分别是谷氨酸和亮氨酸,直接通径系数分别为1.99和-1.83。The direct path coefficients of Glu and Leu on protein content were 1.99 and -1.83, respectively.

首先分析吕天成如何将意境概念从诗词理论转化为戏曲理论。Firstly, the thesis analyzes how Leu converted artistic conception from a poetic theory into a theatrical theory.

报告显示伊朗正在缓慢地积累低浓缩铀的储量,但是我们必须记住的是尚且安全。The report shows that Iran is slowly amassing an LEU stockpile but that stockpile we must remember is safeguarded.

美国铀浓缩公司还用经稀释的低浓缩铀来取代一定数量的天然铀。USEC also replaces the amount of natural uranium displaced by the down-blended LEU. USEC then sells the LEU to U.S. energy utilities as fuel.

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今后三至五年内,应该会有更多种类的低浓缩铀燃料可供应用,从而为这一过渡消除最后的技术障碍。In the next three to five years more types of LEU fuels should be available, eliminating the remaining technical barriers to such a transition.

今天伊朗国家广播电台的一个报道也暗示,德黑兰接受以低浓缩铀换取更多国外高浓缩铀反应堆燃料这一原则。A report on state-run Iranian radio today also suggested that Tehran accepted the principle of exchanging its LEU for more highly enriched reactor fuel from abroad.

自从美国对巴西和伊朗提出了相同的要求,对于与协商后朝鲜取得一个低浓度铀浓缩计划的折中方案可能成为美国政府大规模政策转变的一部分。Since the United States has made similar demands of Brazil and Iran, an LEU compromise with North Korea would have to be part of a larger policy shift in Washington.