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风扇的呼呼声,浑浊空气的味道。The whirr of fans, the taste of old air.

我们听到了纺车的嗡嗡声。We heard the whirr of the spinning wheel.

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像嗡嗡呼呼的风掠过葡萄园。The grape like the hum and whirr of wind through the trees.

各种各样的想法始终在我脑袋里打转,我没有本事把大脑关上。Thoughts whirr round in my head. I don't have that ability to switch off.

她很高兴短短的半小时过去了,机轮又转动了起来。干活尽管累,她可以避免自己的惹人注目。She was glad when the short half hour was over and the wheels began to whirr again.

这时,魁刚听见更多的皮靴声骤雨般席卷而来,以及机器人特有的嗡嗡声。He heard more boots thundering down the hallway and the distinctive whirr of oncoming droids.

而当地天气湿热,窗户常常大开,空调日夜运转。The city is also hot and humid, so windows are left open or air-conditioners whirr away day and night.

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在我们借来的床的上方,一只风扇在飞速地旋转着,母亲有一只木制的布谷鸟,音键清脆,除此之外便是一片寂静。No sound except the whirr of fan blades above our borrowed bed, the silvery notes of my mother's wooden cuckoo.

卡德加赶紧合上书。这书发出了一声短促而尖厉的怪声后重归平静,它内部的某种机构被重置了。Quickly Khadgar closed the cover, and the book silenced itself with a sharp whirr and a snap, itsmechanism resetting.

英国拥有四艘这样的潜艇,而通常仅有一艘潜艇载有核导弹,另三艘则处于整修状态,或忙于军事演练。Britain has four such submarines, though only one is usually armed while the other three undergo repairs or whirr around on training manoeuvres.

雪撬开始越滑越慢,怒号的风声和雪撬滑动发出的呼呼声都不再那么可怕,呼吸也比较容易了,终于我们到达了山底。The sledge began moving more and more slowly, the roar of the wind and the whirr of the runners was no longer so terrible, it was easier to breathe, and at last we were at the bottom.