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我们还是说说乔治·华盛顿号吧。Let's go back to the USS George Washington.

进取号的第一个五年任务结束。USS Enterprise's first five-year mission ends.

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它们将在周日与马斯廷号开展联合行动。they will be joined by the USS Mustin on Sunday.

昨天晚上,我沉没的“黄蜂号”的珊瑚海。Last night I sank the "USS Wasp" in the Coral Sea.

1968年经过现代化改装后的新泽西号战列舰。USS New Jersey BB-62 after the 1968 modernization.

美国舰队和他的人员在玩69式吗?Are the USS fleets and their personnels doing the 69?

1943年建造完成后的航空母舰独立号CV-22。USS Independence CV-22 seen in 1943 after completion.

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请与我们联系洽谈合作意向。Contact us to disc uss the possibilities for cooperation.

他到另一个写着"海神号"的大盒里拿出卡片。He reaches into another big box of cards marked USS Triton.

阿利伯克级驱逐舰就以他的名字钟云命名,也是唯一一艘以华人名字命名的美国海军驱逐舰。The Arleigh Burke class destroyer USS Chung-Hoon is named for him.

卫兵给我们端来一大盘子扁豆焖饭。Guards brought uss large plate of rice smothered with a lentil stew.

麦凯恩号”、菲茨杰拉德号”以及海洋侦察船“胜利号”。McCain and USS Fitzgerald and the ocean surveillance ship USNS Victorious.

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“德维尔特”号驱逐舰在救援行动期间停靠在“蒙特克里斯托”号旁边。The USS De Wert sits alongside the Montecristo during the rescue operation

每天晚上,他们都驾驶鹞式喷气战斗机飞离军舰,前往利比亚。Each night they fly Harrier jets off the USS Kearsarge, bound for Libya. U.

中国的航母舰长91米。美国的里根号舰长332米。The carrier that China has is 91m long. The USS Ronald Reagan is 332m long.

1951年8月28日美国轻型航空母舰蒙特利号CVL-26在墨西哥海湾进行海上训练。August 28, 1951 USS Monterey CVL-26 in the Gulf of Mexico on a training cruise.

在越南战争期间,他几乎失去了生活在1967年美国海军佛瑞斯塔火灾。During the Vietnam War, he nearly lost his life in the 1967 USS Forrestal fire.

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英国皇家蒙特罗斯号军舰收到信号后,派一个直升机去驱散海盗。USS Royal Montrose signal is received, send a helicopter to disperse the pirates.

2000年,美国军舰“科尔”号在也门的亚丁港口加油时遭受了攻击。The USS Cole was refuelling in the port of Aden in Yemen when it was attacked in 2000.

布什总统说,美国航空母舰里根号及其它海军装备正在驶往现场。President Bush says the USS Ronald Reagan and other naval assets are moving into place.