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原力。The Force.

不要用蛮力。Don't force.

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我可以强逼自己喝下。I can force myself.

这是生命的力量。This is life force.

这是种什么力量呢?What force is this?

你不能把构思给逼出来。You cannot force ideas.

强制这个剪辑到单声道?Force this clip to mono?

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我,是力量的源泉。I am the Orign of force.

选择蛮力模式。Select brute force mode.

原力将解放我!The Force shall free me!

但确实产生了某种力But it exerts some force.

这就是一种新的力Okay, that's a new force.

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这是第一势力。This was the first force.

只有一人的自然之力。A one-man force of nature.

我将会迫使他做那件事。I will force him to do it.

让这种力量与你同在。Let the force be with you.

现在我们来说一下力的平衡。Let's put a force balance.

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这就是我们要讲的力的平衡。That is our force balance.

他们大举进攻我们。They attacked us in force.

他们拒绝在暴力面前低头。They refused to bow force.