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由于其本身固有的种种弊端,已经不能够满足要求。It will not satisfy the demand because of some connatural disadvantage.

而我国证券市场在政府定位问题上有其固有的缺陷。But the position of stock market in the government has it connatural limitation.

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这种毛病与教育目的本身固有的缺陷有关。The problem is relevant with the connatural limitation of education objective itself.

本文认为,矛盾冲突并非族群认同与国家认同之间关系的固有属性和全部内容。The paper holds that conflict is not the connatural attribute or all contents of the relationship.

朝鲜语固有词与汉语有同义词群对应关系。There're many correspondent synonyms between connatural Korean words and those in ancient Chinese.

但是由于不同评估方法本身先天的局限性,又带来评估结果的不一致性。Due to connatural localization of different method, disagreement of evaluation results is brought forward.

依据时间序列理论,重点考虑CDMA的固有网络特性,提出了一种连续的预测模型。A continuous predictive model based on time sequence theory and the connatural characteristic of CDMA was presented.

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朝鲜语的一些固有词与汉语词有音义对应关系。There're many regular patterns of phonetic and semantic correspondences between connatural Korean words and those in ancient Chinese.

风险投资固有的高风险特征,使得初始投资决策十分重要。Owing to the connatural high venture characteristic of venture capital, it makes the initial decision-making of investment very important.

然而,随着信息时代的到来,传统单片机固有的结构缺陷,使其呈现出诸多弊端,其速度、规模、性能等指标越来越难以满足用户很多场合的需求。But with the coming of the communication age, the disadvantage of the traditional SCM was discovered because of its connatural structure defect.

杂波是雷达信号检测和处理的固有环境,严重影响了雷达低空目标探测与跟踪的性能。Clutter is connatural condition of signal measuring and processing , which affect the radar's detectability and tracking ability of low-altitude target seriously.

在现代公司经营中,财务信息知情权作为股东的固有权利正越来越受到重视。In the operation of modern companies, as an connatural right of shareholders, the right to know the financial information is being attached with more attention gradually.

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地形状况,如地面坡降,倾斜程度,还有地质状况,岩层分布特性等,对形成冲沟有着先天的重要影响。Topographic, such as the steeps, slops and the gradients, especially the geological conditions, terrane distributing and so on, will be signify impact the connatural gully.

文章论述了质量管理体系审核风险的概念、影响因素、特点,以及评定和控制固有审核风险的方法。This essay discusses the concept, affecting factors, and characters of auditing risk of quality management system and avoiding and controlling methods of connatural auditing risk.

但是,由于PKI和CA证书固有的缺陷,大范围和大规模部署公钥基础设施和应用CA证书变得非常困难。However, disposing Public Key Infrastructure widely and using CA certificate become more and more difficult because of the connatural limitation of the PKI system and CA certificate.