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但是你们是龙凤胎。But you're fraternal twins.

在这里,像兄弟般互助。Here, like fraternal mutual aid.

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我生活在一个团结友爱的班级。I'm in a united and fraternal class.

共济医院同样受到打击。Fraternal hospitals also came under attack.

他们两人像兄弟般地撞了撞拳头。The two bump fists in a fraternal alliance.

异卵双生胎的则存在基因差异。The fraternal twins have genetic differences.

孝悌之爱也许是本能。The filial and fraternal affections may be instinctive.

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孝悌是中华民族传统美德。Filial and fraternal devotion is the traditional virtue of China.

在异卵双胞胎中,这一比例则下降到约百分之二十五到百分之四十。In fraternal twins, the percentage drops to about 25 to 40 percent.

你可以说你是我的半个女人,因为我们是龙凤胎。You could say that she's my female half because we're fraternal twins.

保健医疗制度的出现也加快了共济医院的衰落。The advent of Medicare also hastened the decline of fraternal hospitals.

同卵双胞胎的基因完全相同,而异卵双胞胎只有大约一半的基因相同。Identical twins share all of their genes and fraternal twins share only about half.

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在一妻多夫制的情况下,女人一般也会嫁给她原本丈夫的兄弟。In fraternal polyandry the woman is expected to marry each of her original husband's brothers.

目的探讨自知性、互助性护理模式对手术病人护理效果的影响。Objective To study the effects of self-studied and fraternal nursing mode on surgical patients.

虽然有两国间宣称的兄弟情,但金同志会反感中国增加的影响。Despite the two countries’ professed fraternal love, Mr Kim will resent greater Chinese influence.

为了找到答案,Burt和她的同事们研究了289对男性双胞胎,他们长相接近,亲如手足。To find out, Burt and her colleagues studied 289 pairs of male twins, both identical and fraternal.

詹妮弗2月22号在纽约北岸大学医院诞下了她的双胞胎兄弟。Jennifer gave birth to fraternal twins on February 22 at New York’s North shore University Hospital.

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换言之,与异卵双胞胎相比,同卵双胞胎在游戏中更有可能采取相同的方式。In other words, identical twins were more likely to play with the same strategy than fraternal twins.

本刊与“中外现代诗名家集萃”的各个系列有着兄弟般的血缘关系。Contemporary Poetry Quarterly and The World Contemporary Poetry Series have a close fraternal relation.

“兄弟会”和“橙带党”的教众还计划稍后继续举行游行活动。The congregation of Fraternal Association and Orangemen planned to launch another demonstration later on.