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中石化,一家石油企业,居然在加蓬国家公园里搞起了勘探。Sinopec, an oil firm, has explored in a Gabonese national park.

但加彭人成群拥向城市,过著相对奢华的生活。But the Gabonese flocked to cities, living in comparative splendor.

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我们已得知加蓬总统邦戈逝世的不幸消息。We have got the sad news that the Gabonese President Bongo passed away.

同日,杨洁篪与加蓬外长通吉举行会谈。On the same day, Yang held talks with his Gabonese counterpart Paul Toungui.

加蓬首都利伯维尔依然是非洲物价第二贵的城市。The Gabonese capital of Libreville remains Africa's second-most expensive city.

中方赞赏并感谢加蓬政府坚持奉行一个中国政策。The Chinese side appreciated the Gabonese government's adherence to the One China policy.

这是一张加蓬的三角洲的航空照片,展现了加蓬沿海地区肥沃的荒原。An aerial photograph of a Gabonese delta highlights the rich wilderness of the Loango coastal area.

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也为我国在新时期制定亚洲的外交政策提供依据和方向。This study has enabled us to better define the orientations of Gabonese foreign policy towards Asia, mainly, China.

工人已撤离,他们告诉当地官员,有必要和加彭政府进一步协商。The workers have withdrawn, telling local officials that they need further negotiations with the Gabonese government.

昨天晚上,加蓬国家电视台宣布关闭所有边界并且号召全体民众保持平静。Last night, Gabonese state television announced the closure of all borders and called for the population to remain calm.

几小时以前,加蓬官员还愤怒地否认邦戈去世的报道,恩东坚持认为他“健康良好”。A few hours earlier Gabonese officials had angrily denied reports of Bongo's death, with Ndong insisting he was "alive and well".

一家石油公司中国石化在加蓬的国家地质公园中进行了勘探,另外一家国有石油公司在苏丹境内形成了几个原油湖泊。Sinopec, an oil firm, has explored in a Gabonese national park. Another state oil company has created lakes of spilled crude in Sudan.

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我们对邦戈总统的逝世表示沉痛哀悼,向加蓬政府和人民以及邦戈总统家属表示诚挚慰问。We extend our deep condolences to President Bongo as well as heartfelt solicitude to his family, the Gabonese Government and its people.

当地媒体迅速报道称腐败促成了加蓬政府的这个决定,尽管中国和加蓬官员都对这一指控给予否定。Local media swiftly reported that corruption had helped in the decision, though both Chinese and Gabonese officials denied the allegation.

该医院每年治疗数千名加蓬人,拯救他们的生命,并且不断的研究疟疾的病因和防治方法。The hospital treats thousands of Gabonese every year, saving lives and doing continuous research into the causes and prevention of malaria.

2011年2月12日,加蓬总统阿里·邦戈在首都利伯维尔会见了到访的中国外交部长杨洁篪。On February 12, 2011, Gabonese President Ali Bongo Ondimba met with visiting Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi in Libreville, the capital of Gabon.

加方珍视与中国的传统友谊,坚定奉行一个中国政策,支持中国的统一。Gabon highly values its traditional friendship with China, adheres to the one-China policy and supports China's reunification, the Gabonese president said.

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他重申加蓬政府将坚持一个中国政策,并在人权等国际问题上继续支持中国。He reaffirmed that the Gabonese government's adherence to the One China policy and continued support of China on human rights and other international issues.

加蓬媒体禁止讨论总统的健康,全体人民被告知人称“邦戈老爹”的总统自从3月妻子去世后,一直在休息。Gabonese media were banned from discussing the president's health, with the population told that "Papa Bongo", as he is known, was resting after the death of his wife in March.