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目击与猜测。Eyewitnesses and guesswork.

在中国,猜测是解决不了问题的。In China, guesswork just doesn’t cut it.

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因此这里面存在很大程度的猜测成分。So there is a lot of guesswork involved.

在这两者之间的地层年代基本都是靠猜测。The ages of rocks between these two were little more than guesswork.

关于恐龙,人们谈论的很多东西都必然是种猜测。Much of what people are talking about dinosaurs is, perforce , guesswork.

对于门外汉,这种方法听起来比猜测好不了多少。To the uninitiated, this approach may sound little better than guesswork.

我们的目标是减少猜测,尽可能提供可靠的评估。The goal is to reduce the guesswork and provide as solid an estimate as possible.

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但他认为该系统是承担人才培养评估工作的强大工具。But he sees it as a powerful tool in taking the guesswork out of talent development.

这种脚本的用途之一是自动进行对目标新系统的猜测过程。One purpose of such a script is to automate the guesswork of targeting a new system.

上涨速率极少是静态的,因此推算可能的时间充其量不过是猜测。Growth rates are rarely static so calculating possible time frames is guesswork at best.

由于缺乏追究他们责任的措施,我们智能猜测他们到底干了什么。Or so I guess. But their absence of accountability means that guesswork is all we've got.

正确的设计流程,能使你将主观性和猜测的影响降到最小。With the right visual design process, you can minimize the influence of subjectivity and guesswork.

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此外,这比早期计算的大量瞎猜工作已经好多了。Moreover, it's a lot better than the greater amount of guesswork that went into earlier calculations.

这将减少打电话的人的猜测并且可以让他们少打几个电话。This will take away the caller's guesswork and will eliminate them calling back two or three more times.

每项估算至少部分属于猜测,而经验或高智商并不能消除全部猜测。Every estimate is at least partially a guess, and experience or higher IQ won't eliminate all the guesswork.

一些搜索服务的开发者正试图通过改善页面的设计来帮助你省却猜测搜到的链接背后是什么样的网站的麻烦。Some search innovators are tackling interface design to help take some of the guesswork out of search links.

并且问问自己,那个大胆的预言多少是根据可信的数据,多少是彻底的臆测。And ask yourself how much of that bold prediction is based on reliable numbers and how much is outright guesswork.

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能够解决猜测问题的方法之一便是监测小行星并在其坠落后搜集起来再做分析。One way to eliminate the guesswork would be to spot asteroids on the way in and then go pick them up for analysis.

随着逻辑上下文的减少,人工调解器在作出合并决定的时候就必须更加依赖臆测。As the logical context diminishes, the human mediator must increasingly rely on guesswork when making merge decisions.

通过限制可以配置的选项,来减少猜测和无尽的测试。By restricting the available configuration options, the bindings reduce guesswork and eliminate trial-and-error testing.