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在某种意义上,先验外在论是一个更强形式的学说。In one way, transcendental externalism is a stronger form of doctrine.

第二章“内在主义与外在主义的划界与概念界定”。Chapter two is about the demarcation and definition of internalism and externalism.

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然而,接受外在论的观点并不意味着对自我知识权威性的一般否定。However, we can accept externalism without generally denying the authority of self-knowledge.

语义外在论和内在论是语义理论诸多学派间的一个根本区别。There is a great difference between externalism and internalism among many semantic theories.

但由于理论上还存在着一些模糊认识,使生活教育在实践中大都流于形式。As there exist some confused ideas about the theory, in practice, life education just is externalism.

不发达地区的内部相互模仿是由贸易的外在性所引起的。The interior of underdeveloped area is imitated each other is caused by the externalism place of commerce.

第一章“内在主义与外在主义之争的背景、意义及现状”。Chapter one is about the background, meaning and contemporary status of the debate between internalism and externalism.

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笛卡尔式自我知识的无条件的权威性,在当代受到语义外在论的挑战。The Cartesian view of the strong authority of self-knowledge is challenged in the recent decades by the semantic externalism.

但有外在性子宫内膜异位症而病灶不能清除者,则应将附件切除。But have other of the film inside externalism uterus disease and the person that focus of a disease cannot keep clear of, answer to excise accessory.

现代西方文学科学的一个明显表征是试图从研究对象和研究方法上确立其自律性,形式主义和结构主义是这方面的突出代表。Modern western literature as a science is highlighted by self-discipline established in the object and method of research , externalism and structuralism.

另一方面又从柠檬问题和负的外在性论述中确立了产业集群具有很高的对不利于集群发展的多种因素的经济规避能力。On the other hand based on the analysis of lemon problems and negative externalism the paper presents positive market competitiveness of industrial cluster.

我国正在起草民法典,关于物权变动模式应该采纳物权形式主义模式,还是债权形式主义模式,是目前争论的焦点之一。Whether our country should adopt Real Right Externalism Mode or Creditor's Rights Externalism Mode is the bone of contention in the circles of law in China.

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深度报道事实能够孕育社会意见,其孕育过程分为“内在意见外在化、非理性意见理性化、繁杂意见清晰化”三个阶段。This process can be distinguished three phases, which are the externalism of opinion, sensorial opinion turning to rational opinion and opinion's perspicuity.

通过对现代职业装的内涵、外延的分析,就产品的设计开发到管理运营模式等方面进行了探讨。This essay inquires questions by analyzing immanence and externalism of modern uniform. And researches on product designing development, management, and running style.

由柯瓦雷开创的西方科学思想史流派在科学史发展中具有上承“内史”、下接“外史”的关键作用。The western history of scientific thought originated from Alexandre Koyré plays the key role, which not only comes from "the internalism" and results in "the externalism".

现代管理中的数量化、外在化与时效性观念,在尚未成熟的现代化管理进程中,已经显示出它的发展优势。In the process of unmatured modern management, the idea of quantification, externalism and efficiency existing in the modern management , has shown its developing superiority.