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一些正在打瞌睡,而另一些却在是轻蔑地瞧着我。Some are dozing and some are looking disdainfully at me.

“我们可是一家高档绅士俱乐部,”他倨傲地宣称。“We’re an upscale gentleman’s club, ” he said disdainfully.

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于是,维尔福把唐太斯刚才还给他的那封信轻蔑地扔在了他的办公桌上。And Villefort threw disdainfully on his desk the letter Dantès had just given back to him.

她好像一下子扯掉了全身的衣服,轻蔑地扔在一旁。With what seemed a single movement she tore off her clothes and flung them disdainfully aside.

“过来,”稍大一些的那个女孩轻蔑地说道,“你不会稀罕一个乳臭未干的小子的。”"Come on, " sneered the older girl disdainfully. "You wouldn't want a snotty brat on your hands. "

很少一个国家的领导人,特别是有欧盟成员国的领导人竟然会被同僚这么蔑视。Rarely has a leader—from a founding member of the European Union, no less—been treated so disdainfully by his peers.

“怎么啦,先生!您难道连大名鼎鼎的音乐家贝多芬是个聋子都不知道?”小伙子轻蔑地反问道。"Why, sir! don't you have know that the most famous musician Beethoven was deaf?" the boy asked in reply disdainfully.

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在过去的40年中,这种面纱是不许戴的,这个时期被她轻蔑地称为穆阿迈尔卡扎菲上校的“自由主义”。For 40 years under what she disdainfully termed the "liberalism" of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, the niqabhad been forbidden.

她轻蔑地称穆阿迈尔•卡扎菲上校的统治为“自由主义”,在被“自由主义”镇压的40年中,尼卡布一直被禁止。For 40 years under what she disdainfully termed the "liberalism" of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, the niqab had been forbidden.

接着他纵身一跳,动作快得让我看不清,他已经站在了石阶最下层,轻蔑地看着我。And with a movement of his entire body, much too fast for me to see, he was suddenly standing disdainfully at the foot of the steps.

拉洛斯泽克用燃烧着烈焰的双眼轻蔑的巡视着诸神,心中期望着他的草案能够说服更多的神站到他一边。Rallos Zek's burning eyes moved disdainfully from one god to the next, hoping his harsh edict had convinced more of them to take his side.

有一个将军显要人物很明显是因为等候得太久而感到十分委屈,他坐在那里,交替地架起二郎腿,暗自轻蔑地微笑。One general a person of great consequence , unmistakably chagrined at being kept waiting so long , sat with crossed legs , disdainfully smiling to himself.

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40多年来她生活在了穆阿迈尔●卡扎菲上校的统治之下,那时候戴面纱是被禁止的,“但是现我们可以喜欢穿什么就穿什么”。For 40 years under what she disdainfully termed the “liberalism” of Colonel Muammar Qaddafi, the niqab had been forbidden.“But now we can wear what we like!”

一对坚定的浑圆的鹰眼热情洋溢地、略微轻蔑地向前望去,显然,他的目光没有停留在任何东西上,虽然他的动作和从前一样,既迟缓,又有节奏。The round, hard, eagle eyes looked ecstatically and rather disdainfully before him, obviously not resting on anything, though there was still the same deliberation in his measured movements.