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这绝非危言耸听。It is not alarmism.

这种危言耸听的话人们很熟悉了。The alarmism is familiar.

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从盲目乐观的拒绝到几天之内的危言耸听的排名。FROM blithe denial to rank alarmism in a matter of days.

或许我现在也在制造一些无中生有的噪音罢了。Or maybe I'm just contributing to the blaring non-issue alarmism here.

他认为那些支持有限政府和强烈谴责对全球变暖的大惊小怪。C. , think tank that supports limited government and decries global warming "alarmism."

在华尔街的高端富人阶层,谈乱的金融危机的另一个原因是预警缺失。In the upper reaches of Wall Street, talk of another financial crisis is dismissed as alarmism.

有人在报刊上写文章讲吸烟有害,我认为,这是危言耸听,有逆反心理。Every time when I read the article about the disadvantage of smoke in newspaper, I thought it as alarmism with negative mentality.

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气候变化与虫媒疾病的复杂联系需要坚实的研究——而不需要让人们分散了对其它关键因素注意力的危言耸听。Climate change's complex links with insect-borne disease need solid research — not alarmism that distracts from other crucial factors.

有人在报刊上写文章讲吸烟有害,我认为,这是危言耸听,有逆反心理。Some articles on magazine suggest that smoking is bad for health. In my perspective, I regard it as an alarmism and a negative mentality.

仪琳妈妈见到仪琳查这些资料反而批评她不该危言耸听,即使她们得了绝症,爸爸也不会回来和她们一起生活。Instrument elim mother see instrument elim check these material instead she shouldnt alarmism criticism, even if they got incurable disease, dad wouldnt come back and they live together.

这种危言耸听一定程度上反映了诸如埃及和沙特这些与美国同盟的逊尼派国家的政府想要遏制他们所见到的伊朗影响力不断上升的趋势的愿望。Such alarmism reflects, to a degree, a desire by the Sunni, American-allied governments of countries such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia to staunch what they see as a rising tide of Iranian influence.