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第二天上完课,我们两个回到了在Charleston,WV的家,在回去的车上,我们讨论了一下发生的种种事情。After the end of classes the next day the two of us returned to our homes in Charleston, WV.

同时,详细分析、设计并最终实现WV模块的各个子模块。This thesis focuses on the design and implementation of WV module in Instant Message gateway.

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沿等熵面高脊区的下滑急流与水汽图像暗区相当一致。The jet sliding along the ridge on isentropic surface is consistent with the dark zone in WV image.

第三章提出了即时消息网关WV模块的总体设计方案,并对各个子模块进行了相应的划分。In the third chapter, we provide a practical solution for the WV module and depart it into sub modules.

在西弗吉尼亚州的目的在于,它会提供一个固定的腺深度包装多唇液压密封。The WV is designed so that it will provide a multiple lip hydraulic seal in a fixed gland depth packing.

由于西弗吉尼亚州填料被设计为自由浮动,但不建议在一环压缩状态安装。Since WV packings are designed to be free floating, it is not recommended that the rings be installed in a compressed state.

西弗吉尼亚黄页网站提供西弗吉尼亚州的黄页,电话簿,地址,商业指南,欢迎来访!West Virginia Yellow Pages provides wv yellow pages, Phone Book, Address, Business Directory online. Welcome to Garply. com!

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美国密封包装储存中心环和平面回到同质布纳在西弗吉尼亚州90硬度填料和纤维增强丁腈橡胶。American Seal & Packing stocks Center Ring and Flat Back WV packings in homogenous Buna 90 Durometer and fabric reinforced Buna.

第二章介绍了即时消息业务的特征,详细介绍了WV协议和SIP-C协议,并且对比了两个协议各自的一些特性。In the second chapter, the properties of IM service, including the detail issues of WV protocol and SIP-C protocol is introduced.

由于西弗吉尼亚州是一个多包装液压密封唇,建议在一个单一的应用唇密封在侧负荷是一个因素。Since the WV Packing is a multiple lip hydraulic seal, it is recommended over a single lip seal for applications where side loading is a factor.

当你用人民的钱来对付人民时,心怀慈悲是最基本和最关键的礼仪。“It is an elementary and vital courtesy when you are using people’s own money against them that you do it with some grace.” -Richard Neely, WV Supreme Court

反之,他们喜欢埋伏等待世界展望会这种人道救援机构将粮食送到之后,才以武力强夺食物,手法残暴,往往因此杀戮或残害无辜。Instead, the rebels prefer to lie in wait until humanitarian organizations like WV deliver the food. Then they brutally take the food by force, often killing or maiming the innocent.