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求出S1的导数Take a derivative of S1.

我会计算时间导数。I take the time derivative.

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我们这样求导。And I can take this derivative.

然后求导。And then we take the derivative.

鸦片酊是鸦片的衍生物。Laudanum is a derivative of opium.

有些批判者们说她太另类了。Some critics say she's derivative.

对-cos求导是。sin The derivative of -cos is sin.

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所以我们就消掉了G的微分。So we get rid of this derivative of G.

这里不能用二次导数来验证。We cannot use the second derivative test.

取作为二次微商计算式。We take as the second derivative formula.

要得到结果,我们再求一次导To do that, let's take one more derivative.

那么二阶导数判定是怎样的呢?So, what does the second derivative test say?

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为什么矢量的导数还是一个矢量呢Why is the derivative of a vector also a vector?

好的,求导,然后呢,令它等于0Good, take a derivative and Set it equal to zero.

你不能在求导的时候约掉dYou don't want to cancel the d in the derivative.

那么,那个方向的导数是什么呢?And then, what's the derivative in that direction?

冲突和战争是首要的,和平才是衍生物。Conflict and war are primary. Peace is derivative.

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因此斜率等于此处的一阶导数。So the slope of the guess is the first derivative.

这就是偏导的近似值。And that is an approximation for partial derivative.

这是化学势对压强的导数。And this is the derivative with respect to pressure.