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也不要摆弄鼠标。Don't fidget with the mouse, either.

我们坐卧不宁,烦躁不安。We cannot sit still, but we must fidget.

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或者你可以把这作为坐立不安的一个理由。Or you could take all this as a license to fidget.

一旦人群开始出现厌烦情绪,就改变曲目。As soon as the crowd starts to fidget change the music.

人们说谎的时候,并不会烦躁不安也不会看别的地方。People don't actually fidget and look away when they're lying.

不要看表、坐立不安或者翻看你的待办事项。Don't watch the clock, fidget or go over your to-do list for later.

许多婴儿和正在学步的幼童坐在婴儿餐椅上时都容易烦躁不安。Many infants and toddlers become easily distracted and fidget in a highchair.

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一天内四处走动一下可以抑止你的烦躁、避免喋喋不休的谈话。Moving around throughout the day can counter a tendency to fidget and chatter.

帕特尔说,睡觉少的人也许来回走动和烦躁不安的时候也比较少。It may be, Patel said, that if people who sleep less, also move around or "fidget" less.

它们慌乱不安地寻求阴凉之处。这种行为在墨西哥荒漠中是生命拯救行为。They fuss and fidget into the shade. This behavior is a lifesaver in the hot Mexican desert.

当他们坐下来的时候,他们会表现得不安分,不停地摇动他们的手或者甩他们的脚。When sitting still, they may fidget in their seats, moving their hands or their feet constantly.

他们可能一边“啊-哈,啊-哈,啊-哈”地回应着,一边看手表,或者四处张望,或者坐立不安。They might say, “Uh-huh, Uh-huh, uh-huh” or look at their watch or scan the surroundings or fidget.

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在吸收了浙派纵放泼辣笔墨的同时避免了过分简单和狂燥。Che School in the absorption of the ink is placed vertically, while avoid the pungent simplistic and fidget.

到最后她才完全弄明白了是怎么回事,于是在椅子上坐立不安,一会儿站起来,一会儿又坐下去,一会儿诧异,一会儿又为自己祝福。She began at length to recover, to fidget about in her chair, get up, sit down again, wonder, and bless herself.

每天中午在果园里逛的时候,品味着风里那一丝丝若即若离的甜香,就又找到了那种久违的感觉——心痒。Every noon I walk in the orchard, smelling the wind of a little sweet, and the long lost feelings came back— fidget.

撒谎的人一般不会坐立不安,事实上,研究显示,我们在撒谎时,往往更容易故作镇静。Liars sdon't generally fidget — in fact, research shows we often stay more physically still when we are being untruthful.

叶朗在医院楼下遇见诗婷,他叫诗婷不要再搞小动作骚扰他的下属,但诗婷一笑置之。Ye Lang in hospital met downstairs poem, he called poem d. dont fidget harassing his subordinates, but poetry d. laughed it off.

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在这样恶劣的环境里,原宪并不以为苦,他可以心平气和地在屋内弹奏乐曲,丝毫听不出烦燥不满的情绪。In such a shabby place Yuan Xian didn't think it was hard. He could play music in heartsease without revealing any feeling of fidget.

通常而言,双手张开的姿势表示对方和你在一起很舒适,就如和兄弟姐妹或者配偶之间会有这样表现。They fidget with their face, like scratching the sides of their temples or nose. Usually open hand gestures mean they are to comfortable around you.

不要坐立不安。不要一直动你的手或是抖脚,那会表现出你的紧张。放松一点,放慢动作。Don't fidget. Don't fiddle with your hands or shake your leg because that can portray nervousness or restlessness. Relax and slow down your movements.