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最简单的非参数检验是符号检验。One of the easiest nonparametric tests to use is the sign test.

方法主要应用秩和比法并结合参数和非参数检验。Methods Mainly used RSR combining parameter test with nonparametric test.

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高级主题,时贝叶斯分析,非参数方法。Advanced Topics, Time Permitting Bayesian Analysis, Nonparametric Methods.

学生能瞭解并应用无母数统计分析。Students are able to understand and apply the nonparametric statistical analysis.

非参数检验是为小样本尺寸而设计,并且易于计算。Nonparametric tests are designed for small sample sizes and are easy to calculate.

非参数回归函数的核估计近年来已有了一些研究。The kernel estimate of nonparametric regression function has been researched recently.

因此,加权核密度估计是一种有应用和研究价值的方法。So, nonparametric weighted kernel density estimation is an applied and valuable method.

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提出了一种用于检测运动目标的非参数多模态背景模型。A novel nonparametric multimodal background model was proposed to detect moving objects.

对秩和进行非参数的单侧方差分析以检验不同组别之间的差异。Nonparametric one-way ANOA was conducted on ranks2 to test for differences among groups.

采用模式识别方法结合非参数检验对数据进行分析。Then the data were analyzed with the pattern recognition methods and nonparametric test.

一种称为NNL分类器的新的非参数分类器被用来检测双端通话。A novel nonparametric classifier called NNL classifier is introduced to detect double-talk.

以非参数核密度估计方法拟合江苏稻谷的亩产量。Then the rice yield in Jiangsu is fitted by nonparametric kernel density estimation method.

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论文主要研究了非参数局部多项式回归估计模型。This paper mainly studies the nonparametric regression estimation model of local polynomial.

非参数和半参数方法是当前非线性时间序列分析研究的热点问题。The nonparametric method and semi-parametric method were focused in nonlinear time series analysis.

方法利用非参数分段多项式估计和最小二乘法进行讨论。Methods It is discussed by nonparametric piecewise polynomial estimation and least squares estimation.

本文讨论了常见结构系统的可靠度的非参数估计方法。This paper discusses the nonparametric estimation of the reliability for general stress-strength system.

旨在利用多项式样条方法,对未知参数和非参数函数进行估计。The purpose is to estimate unknown parameters and nonparametric function using a polynomial spline method.

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非基于严格的数据分布假设而进行的统计推断方法,如符号检验、秩和检验等。Nonparametric test will be a good choice for this kind of data in testing the distribution of the population.

研究随机设计下噪声为厚尾随机变量时非参数函数中的变点估计问题。In a random design nonparametric function model, this paper deals with the estimation of a sharp change point.

给出了带估计参数的上界型和积分型两种非参似然比拟合优度检验统计量。The supremum-type and the integral-type nonparametric likelihood ratio goodness-of-fit tests are investigated.