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我又干了他一顿。I gave him a scolding.

张嘴骂人之前先倒数十秒。Count to ten before scolding.

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她因受到责骂而感到难受。She smarted from the scolding.

她老是斥责自己的子女。She is always scolding her children.

不会有老师马学生的戏码上演。Scolding from teacher will never happen.

严厉责骂孩子弊多利少。Scolding a child will do more harm than good.

这位老太婆总是骂骂咧咧地没完没了。The old woman is always scolding and chiding.

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他就这么骂骂咧咧地回到他的窝里。And so he went on scolding to his den beneath.

这个老看门人总是责骂,呵叱个没完。The old caretaker was always scolding and chiding.

那场面,骂爹的,骂娘的,骂啥都有了。The scene, scolding father, fuck, what are called.

你管孩子太严了,不要总是责骂她。You should ease up the child and stop scolding her.

鼓励胜于责骂和批评。Encouragement is better than scolding and criticism.

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你对这男孩子应该宽容一点,别再骂他了。You should ease up on the boy and stop scolding him.

她刚才劈头盖脸地给了他一通臭骂。She has just given him a good scolding right to his face.

珍妮最后忍不住,大声责骂那些男人。Janie finally cannot resist speaking up, scolding the men.

每次训斥对这女孩似乎不起任何作用。Every scolding that girl gets just seems to glance off her.

他说,“如果老板要炒你鱿鱼,就不会费劲去责骂你。The boss won’t bother scolding you if he wants to fire you.

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别那么瞪眼望着老师,你该被骂的。Don't glare at your teacher like that. You deserved the scolding.

就是骂人,骂人就是造口业。Harsh speech refers to scolding people which creates mouth karma.

“恶口”就是骂人,骂人就是造口业。Harsh speech refers to scolding people, which creates mouth karma.