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所以我认为,我们需要多边政策。So my view is we need multilateral policies.

开放是多边的,也是双边的。Opening-up can be both bilateral and multilateral.

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新的多边体系也必须具有务实性。This New Multilateral Network needs to be pragmatic.

项禁止核试验的多边条约。A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed.

多边进程应当具有包容性而非排他性。Multilateral process should be inclusive and not exclusive.

好在,一个日程密集的多边外交峰会逐渐临近。Just as well. A crowded calendar of multilateral talkfests looms.

第三,有些多边条约也会产生双边义务。Third, some multilateral treaties also produce bilateral obligations.

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它们有能力为多边体系提供新的支柱。They have the means to provide new bulwarks of the multilateral system.

四是加强多边合作,促进共同发展。Fourth, enhance multilateral cooperation and promote common development.

作为反制措施,他们在WTO多边机制下征收税收。As a counter-measure, they impose duties under the multilateral WTO regime.

正像这次会议的名称所示,需要有多边的大力行动。As the title of this session implies, strong multilateral action is needed.

正如你将看到的,主要的观点都已在多边条约中体现出来。As you will see, the primary approach has been through multilateral treaties.

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两国达成了一项和平共处的多边协议。There is a multilateral agreement to keep the peace between the two countries.

它是WTO法律框架中非关税壁垒的多边协定中的一部分。It is a part of the multilateral agreement of non-tariff wall in WTO law frame.

乌拉圭愿与中方加强在多边领域中的合作。Uruguay would like to strengthen cooperation with China in multilateral fields.

一场食盐的抢购潮,在多方辟谣之下,逐渐平息。A rush of salt in the multilateral tide, under the rumours, gradually died down.

应该加快双边和多边资助和财政主动撑持。Bilateral and multilateral funding and financial initiatives must be accelerated.

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首轮多边贸易谈判在希望与绝望间来回摇摆。The first round of multilateral trade talks has lurched between hope and despair.

双边对话与多边会谈可以相辅相成,相互促进。Bilateral dialogue and multilateral talks can complement and reinforce each other.

我们还为保障人权与多边和地区机构进行伙伴合作。We also partner with multilateral and regional institutions to secure human rights.