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肺脏的顶部得到适当的氧合作用。The apices of the lungs get proper oxygenation.

铝毒害的最初作用位点在根尖。The primary site of Al toxicity locates in root apices.

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二月下旬,花序原体在枝顶出现。Inflorescence primordia occur at shoot apices in late February.

花序原体于四月中旬在枝顶出现。Inflorescence primordia are formed at shoot apices in mid April.

微小的茎尖切段通常是难以培养的。Minute fragments of shoot apices are proverbially difficult to culture.

此观点目前已经被原套原体学说所取代。This concept has now been replaced, for stem apices , by the tunica-corpus theory.

叶片中可溶性总糖、蔗糖和淀粉含量始终低于茎尖。IiiThe mounts of total soluble sugars. sucrose and starch in leaves were less than that in stem apices.

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叶感受光刺激后,以某些未知的途径传递给花原基。The light stimulus is perceived by the leaves and in some unknown way transmitted to the floral apices.

严重表型的植株只产生绿色的器官,在其近轴面有许多芽。Plants with the most severe phenotype formed only green organs, with many shoot apices on their adaxial sides.

茎尖和花序分别以器官发生和体细胞胚胎发生方式再生植株。Shoot apices and inflorescence respectively regeneratebamboo plantlets by means of organogenesis and embryogenesis.

通过对横向偏距的精确控制,来控制相邻高斯分布的间距。The distance between the near Gaussian apices is controlled accurately by controlling accurately the divergence of LD.

通过分析这种车头间距的功率谱曲线,可以明显地观察到交通流频谱出现了噪声和宽峰的变化。Through the analysis of the power spectrum of the headway, it is clear that there are variations of noise and wide apices.

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唇皮层板和牙槽骨的水平以下的切牙根尖的切片,以第701号裂刺。The labial cortical plate and alveolar bone below the level of the incisors apices are sectioned with a No. 701 fissure bur.

在电路结构设计部分,主要讨论了采用集总参数传输零点滤波器实现天线双工器和采用PIN管实现天线开关的设计方法。The circuit design part mainly introduces the duplexer design with lumped apices filter, and the antenna switch design with PIN diode.

另外,对同种的两株硅酸盐细菌K0和K27的红外光谱分析发现,其峰位与峰型也存在多处不同。In addition, there had multi difference in the apices form and location of two strains silicate bacteria K0 and K27 by FTIR contrast analysis.

另外,对同种的两株硅酸盐细菌K0和K27的红外光谱分析发现,其峰位与峰型也存在多处不同。In addition, there was multi difference in the apices form and location of two strains silicate bacteria K0 and K27 by FTIR contrast analysis.

记起来了,最早鲨鱼头的实物是内蒙一辽代古墓出土的刀条,刀背是连续的两个鲨鱼峰!I remember that the most early practicality of shark head was appeared in Mongolia and strips in tumulus from Liao dynasty, its back has two shark apices !

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流行的干细胞生物学理论认为,正常干细胞以及肿瘤干细胞位于细胞层阶的最顶端,单向分化为非干细胞的子代细胞。Current models of stem cell biology assume that normal and neoplastic stem cells reside at the apices of hierarchies and differentiate into nonstem progeny in a unidirectional manner.